I think I'm dying...: I can't cope anymore... - Anxiety Support

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I think I'm dying...

14 Replies

I can't cope anymore....

I'm positive I am about to die....

I feel like when I lie down that I am rolling across the floor...

I keep getting awful dizzy zaps....like an electric shock....

My ears feel like their blocked and keep ringing and my hearing and vision keeps going funny...

I can feel the tension in my shoulders and I have an awful headache...

I honestly feel like I am about to die... I can't do this anymore, it's ruining my life and I really don't know what to do :(

I'm crying my eyes out and I honestly haven't ever felt this bad... I have no whee to run....

14 Replies

Listen missy u are not dying!! I have felt as bad as u and did ring an ambulance!! I was fine Hun take some breaths u are and will get through this. Positivity we will do this together xxxx

Hey fedup

Come on hun you are not going to die , you are having a very bad anxiety attack

How long are you on this holiday for ?

I no this feels awful & the worse you feel the more we panic & the symptoms get worse

I have had the ringing in the ears & the vision before

You might be better sat up , & try doing your breathing

Thinking about you




lou350 profile image

Why why is right. Think about your breathing.

There are a lot of people thinking about you, you are not alone....

Lou x

Ps ... I know that this is going to sound weird...but I named my anxiety...Sid.... Some days he is near me, giving me bad thoughts and making my body do things (like ringing in ears, pain in chest etc) and other days I am strong enough to tell him to go away, he is not going to spoil my day ! By naming my anxiety, I feel a little more in control at times.

Hi Fedup,

I know it is not nice to have all these thoughts and feeling going on. I said to my doctor I wanted to run away from myself as it was all to much. but here I am still today. These panic attacks can be quiet strong when we are away from home as well. I know it's easy for me to say but you will get through it, we are all here for you. take some breaths and think of your panic attack like the sea coming in and out, just ride the waves and it will slow down.

thinking of you and sending you positive thoughts. gardener x

Thanks all, I had a good cry to the OH, out the real panic stage now...

That was just awful and rather difficult to cope with...

I had a bit of a walk around and made myself a hot water bottle...msometimes doing a task like that takes the edge of the panic for me as my brain has something else to think about :)

I just want o beat this now... Does anyone know anyone who has beaten anxiety!?

I just want to say thank you for all your support, you all really do help and get me through it xx

lou350 profile image
lou350 in reply to

Glad you are feeling a little better....I sometimes have a shower if I think that I am getting overwhelmed...that also takes my mind onto a task.

Take care of yourself....you are not alone !

Lou x

bonnie1959 profile image
bonnie1959 in reply to

Hi Fedup, my daughter beat anxiety, she had it before I did, and had it for nearly 3 years, and it did get better in time, I used to get her out of bed, and make her go out, which was a struggle, a lot of the time she was texting me, when I was at work, she suffered so much, she went from a very confident bubbly person, to a shivering wreck, now she has been back to her former self for sometime, confident and happy,



in reply to bonnie1959

Thanks Bonnie, that's good to hear... I use to be a very confident and happy person ad a business trip to Japan led to this... It's been a year now and I do want to get better... I am 25 and feel as though I am waiting my life and throwing away some amazing memories...

It's easy to think clearly when you feel well, not so much whn you can't stop spinning and are in a panic attack... X

bonnie1959 profile image
bonnie1959 in reply to

Fedup, as said it is hard to find a brown paper bag, but I was told by doc that any bag is ok, as long as it not plastic, I have used a bag that my eldest gets her tabs in from the chemist before, :)



Jeffju profile image

Panic attacks are something I would not wish on my worst enemy. I am so glad that you recovered and are ok now.

I think deep breathing is a good way to help, though when you are in full panic mode that is hard but it does work. Breathe deeply from your stomach , hold in for 8 breathe out for 8. And do this at least 3 times.

And old fashioned way to stop hyperventilating is to breath into a brown paper bag, ( if you can find one these days).

There is some great advice in the above answers . Hope they all help, Julie xx

Marguerite2013 profile image

Glad you are feeling a little better FedUp... I had this sort of phobic-anxiety when I was 28 when I had 3 major life events: moving home, starting a new job, and had just returned from a 3-month tour of Europe!! I did not do anything then, but I slept with the light on as felt so anxious, and could not go on the tube as afraid the pavement would fall down and smash the train, could not go on the ferry as imagined how it was to drown - and most of the symptoms that you have described also.. I think Jeffju's ideas are excellent as breathing is the key... Meditation would be helpful also. And you could ask your GP to refer you for breathing exercises with a Physio and also have some CBT - as these are both helpful. So sorry you are having such a terrible time. Take care out there.... M x...

Do you think this could be the symptoms of an inner ear infection?

Briannafaye1 profile image

Me too ! Everything I think of always triggers my thinking , I always think imma die :'(

Amytat profile image
Amytat in reply to Briannafaye1

Same here

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