Health anxiety: Hi guys, suffering from a... - Anxiety Support

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Health anxiety

emmalou3422 profile image
58 Replies

Hi guys, suffering from a bad bout of health anxiety at the mo. Would love to talk to people in the same boat as me! Hopefully we can help each other.

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emmalou3422 profile image
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58 Replies
Hails314 profile image

I have health anxiety.

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to Hails314

Are you worried about anything at the moment?

Hails314 profile image
Hails314 in reply to emmalou3422

Yes my heart. Always my heart

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to Hails314

Have you had any tests done? I was worried about my heart not so long ago. I kept getting bad chest pains, to the point it would stop me in my tracks and I couldn't breath as what felt like my heart had swollen to twice the size. Then I woke up the next day and my left arm went numb! Rushed to hosp turns out it was an inflamed rib and my arm just went to sleep, completely unrelated.

Hails314 profile image
Hails314 in reply to emmalou3422

I've had an ekg done once. Right noe it is left chest pain and when I press on my chest wall i hurts so bad I cry. I can't take it.

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to Hails314

I had this, right under my left boob. Sharp shooting pains and hurt when I touched it, my left arm also went numb. Turned out to be an inflamed rib and a dead arm completely unrelated to each other.

Hails314 profile image
Hails314 in reply to emmalou3422

Plus I feel congested in my chest. I think it's costochindritis.

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to Hails314

Well I've just googled that because I've not heard of that one before, and even if you do have that it's not life threatening and sounds pretty manageable. It could just be reoccurring anxiety symptoms, I always get chest pain under my left boob when I'm having a panic attack and it hurts so much! Remember though, your heart is centred, it's not to the left. I was told this when I thought I was having a stroke 😰

Hails314 profile image
Hails314 in reply to emmalou3422

That I didn't know. I thought it was to the left!!& I played with my kids the other day and boyfriend and it started after that. Idk, anxiety gets the best of me sometimes. Its terrible. I just know this pain hurts. And everyone keeps saying it's just anxiety. But I don't think it is this time. I think I hurt something. Which is causing my,anxiety to be high because come on it's chest pain and we all know anxiety loves chest pain!

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to Hails314

Yeah I thought that too! But my brother works in a hospital & he's had to do cpr lots of times and they always go for the centre of the chest because that's where the heart is. Not even sure what's on the left, but it's not your heart. If it comes and goes it's nothing to worry about. And 99% of the time even if it stays it's still nothing to worry about. If you were really ill you'd know, you'd be in hospital not able to leave. You could just have an inflamed rib like I did, I didn't even know your ribs could get inflamed until it happened. It wasn't a constant pain either, it would come and go but when it came it would stop me in my tracks for about a minute and it felt like I couldn't breath, multiple times a day.

Hails314 profile image
Hails314 in reply to emmalou3422

Yes it's like a sharp but dull pain. And when I push in my chest close to the middle / left side, it causes it. I think something is inflamed.

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to Hails314

If it hurts when you press down it's almost definitely a rib or muscle, (obviously I'm not a doctor but I'm telling you what the doctor said to me) other wise it wouldn't be sore when you touch it, cause you can't press down on a lung or whatever is under there as it's protected by the rib. I know it will take a lot more than some random person you've never met to ease your mind, but If I have helped a little then I will be happy :) keep me updated please I'd like to know how you're getting on. Or even if you don't have any updates and need someone to vent symptoms to, I am here.

Hails314 profile image
Hails314 in reply to emmalou3422

Will Tylenol or ibuprofen help ?

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to Hails314

Doctor told me ibuprofen, I'm not sure what Tylenol is sorry we haven't got that one in England, or we probably have it's just called something else! it did actually help me. Just take them every 4 hours and see how you get on.

petermelhuish profile image
petermelhuish in reply to Hails314

Yeah, Health anxiety I can relate to this. I think I overthink things and look to deeply into what is happening. I think it's a bit of catastrophizing, CBT can help. Talking to someone about it helps. I tend to only discuss these things with a sympathetic ear. Distraction can help, Listening to a comedy show or getting involved in soap opera can take away from constantly looking for an answer. All the Best

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to petermelhuish

Yeah I've tried pretty much everything lol waiting on counselling at the moment. I can't concentrate on tv, can't listen to music. I even tried hypnosis on YouTube last night to get myself to sleep, I'm not sure if it worked or I was just so tired I fell asleep anyway. I'm waiting on test results so I'm stressed about that. I'm sure it will all come back negative it always does, or something easily treated. But I'm convinced I will be told my life is over tonight. Going to keep myself busy today to try and make the day go faster.

petermelhuish profile image
petermelhuish in reply to emmalou3422

Hi, I've been there too. Trying too hard to concentrate on TV or reading the same lines in a book. Sometimes its best not to try to do anything, but just accept it is anxiety.. Try a walk, just a short walk, near some trees or nature, then get back home and spoil yourself with a bit of chocolate or a favourite drink. Just don't push yourself too hard, be gentle on yourself and take baby steps... cheers


Wilburbudgirl profile image

Hello! I also have health anxiety with I believe stemmed from taking malaria meds which gave me reactions....I get worried about every little pain in my body

Do you get physical symptoms from the anxiety?

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to Wilburbudgirl

Yes I do, all sorts. Chest pains, shooting pains, can't breath and feels like I can't take in any oxygen. If I think I have something wrong my body tricks itself in to feeling pains that match the illness I think I have. What about you?

Wilburbudgirl profile image
Wilburbudgirl in reply to emmalou3422

It seems like anxiety likes to do that! I get muscle tension, fast heart rate, ribs hurting, tingling, digestive issues...probably can’t remember all them at the’s hard not to think something horrible is wrong with me as I’ve been to urgent care/ er before/ had MRI/CT and they said everything looked good

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to Wilburbudgirl

I'm pregnant and mine is stemming from that, I got all sorts of weird stuff happening to me and now I'm convinced I have an std. literally cannot stop thinking about it. But me and my other half have just bought a house 3 months ago, we are engaged and this pregnancy is planned. We both work and come home to each other every night. I literally have no reason to think he's cheated. But I'm convinced I'm gunna get my results on Thursday and my life is going to end. Everyone is telling me it's just my hormones and not to worry lol it's fallen on deaf ears. What do you think is wrong with you at the moment?

Wilburbudgirl profile image
Wilburbudgirl in reply to emmalou3422

Currently I have a headache (I had a headache for seven months from something called Babesiosis) but it was getting better so know I’m freaking out that it’s coming back and that I’ll never get over it (can’t tell if the headache is from that or anxiety ☹️) I also have a sick stomach that I think is from anxiety too but I keep thinking it’s something worse

I am also only 18

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to Wilburbudgirl

I feel sick when I'm anxious, I've even been actually sick a few times. Have you taken pain killers for the headache?

Wilburbudgirl profile image
Wilburbudgirl in reply to emmalou3422

No, I should try that :) I guess if they work I will know it’s not babesiosis as absolutely no pain killers help that headache.

So often with health anxiety I don’t think straight about the symptoms and just start to freak out

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to Wilburbudgirl

I do the same, just sit there in pain not taking anything to help it because I obsess over the pain and try to analyse it! We're not doctors, we shouldnt ve doing it! take some pain killers and see how it goes :)

cr1999 profile image

Hi there, I've had everything you've listed. From the chest pains to not being able to breathe, and feeling like my breathing is no longer automatic. I had abdominal pain and I worried compulsively about that. I also find myself worrying about diseases that are very rare, especially at my age (17). From the dreaded "C" word to other illnesses. I've had countless tests done and I was told on two different occasions that I was fine. About the abdominal pain I stated earlier, I insisted that the pain was not in my head and it turned out that I had Chronic Appendicitis, so I underwent laparoscopic surgery. So it only goes to show that I just knew that kind of pain was not normal, yet the anxiety symptoms feel the exact same as far as severity, but I'm told that it's anxiety and that I'm fine. The symptoms generated by anxiety are real, and your brain convinces itself that it's a physical problem, then you worsen your existing anxiety symptoms and further convince yourself that it's an actual disease that is progressing when it's nothing at all. I'm still a few weeks post surgery and this health anxiety still remains, but it's not as severe. I've had many blood tests and the most recent one showed I was deficient in potassium, which can cause some symptoms, including anxiety. So if you haven't, I would recommend getting your levels checked if you haven't already. A few more symptoms I've encountered include Depersonalization/Derealization, back pain, pain in the joints, and always feeling warm but my body temp reads normal. It really makes you feel like you're alone and nobody else has ever felt what you have and that you have something serious when it's very likely that it is in your head. I would also recommend checking out, there you can find a complete list of symptoms that anxiety can cause, it should help you relax. But trust me, don't google your symptoms, google will always bring up the worst conditions. I would do this constantly and it made me have many panic attacks and convince myself that I will die soon, and I still believe that I will die soon. It would cause me to go from worrying about one possible illness to the next, it's an endless cycle and it's really hard to get out of if you let it continue. Not to mention it isn't helping my relationships with friends and family because I will always discuss symptoms when only a year earlier, I didn't worry about anything at all. Just remember you're not alone and these symptoms are real, they're just generated and worsened by the anxiety. Try to relax and take care :). - C

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to cr1999

Thank you for replying, and I'm sorry you are going through this too! I've suffered with it since I was 15, I am now 27. It comes and goes, was a lot less when I was younger. I managed to convince myself I had emphysema when I was 15, turns out it was just anxiety attacks! Then when I was 19 it was ovarian cancer, turned out to be ibs. I've had so many different cancers. HIV was the worst one for me, I just had the flu. Now I'm convinced I have chlamydia and that my fiancé has been cheating on me, everyone saying it's just normal pregnancy stuff but I can't get it out of my head. Waiting for swab results to come back, I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't relax, having multiple panic attacks a day. It's crazy! Why do we do it to ourselves.

Lvdmarte76 profile image

Hi.. I am new to health anxiety as well. I've never been so worried in my life. I had to the doctors last week and he gave me PROZAC.. I was feeling pressure in my pelvic area and I thought I had a horrible desease and was going to die soon. Went today and I have an UTI infection that is being treated with antibiotics. The anxiety has consumed my life for the past 3 weeks.. I literally feel everything in my body and I think everything is bad. I'm hoping these pills kick in and make me feel like myself again. Right now I'm dealing with the side affects ... but doctor promised thru will subside. Hope you get better soon as well... it's a horrible thing to live with every day

cr1999 profile image
cr1999 in reply to Lvdmarte76

I tried medications for anxiety and depression, but I had really adverse side effects from them both, it seems my only option is CBT or toughing through it. Anxiety also loves to affect relationships by generating possible scenarios because it tries to make your fears a reality. I was suspicious of my girlfriend cheating on me as well. Like I said it can control every aspect of your life if you let it, don't let it win. We're all in this together, don't give up!

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to cr1999

It's so hard!! I can't wait to get this pregnancy over so I can get back on tablets and level my head out. My friend has terrible side effects from taking them too, have you started the cbt yet? I gave that a go but it was a group one, I didn't get on with it. Waiting for one to one counselling at the mo, it can't come quick enough. My other half gets annoyed with me from time to time, but he's been patient and understanding most the time, I'm lucky to have him really. Pain in my arse at times but other than that he's been my rock. But then I'm not perfect either, far from it, keep telling him I'm convinced I have chlamydia at the moment and he's so chilled about it its unreal lol.

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to Lvdmarte76

I also had this! Thought I had pelvic inflammatory disease and I would never be able to have kids, turned out to be a uti. Google is the devil! It's hard not to obsess over everything in your body when you have health anxiety, I used to lay down and constantly press around my abdomen looking for lumps. I've lost so much time of my life crying and sitting in the dark thinking I'm dying. Medication helped me heaps! But obviously I had to stop taking it because I'm pregnant, but it's come back with a vengeance. Drop me a message if you have any worries, I will help as much as I can! I've thought I've had every illness known to man

Lvdmarte76 profile image
Lvdmarte76 in reply to emmalou3422

I agree .. google is the devil..So glad your having a precious little one . They can make our world so much better. Hoping you stay focused and healthy through your pregnancy . And thank you !!

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to Lvdmarte76

I hope so, but I noticed my health anxiety projects to others around me, even my dogs. If my dog ever limps I think he has leg cancer, it's crazy. My other half keeps getting a bad back I'm sat there like "kinda looking like lung cancer" it's mental lol. I'd love to be normal. And thank you too my lovely :)

Lvdmarte76 profile image
Lvdmarte76 in reply to emmalou3422

Yes .. I do too. If my daughter tells me her tummy hurts I go on panic mode. Not fun

Maggiecass1988 profile image

Hi a also suffer this to witch its got to point a think am going to die all time way every symptom a get our pain

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to Maggiecass1988

It completely takes over your life doesn't it, can't live a normal life because of it. What symptoms are you worried about at the moment?

Maggiecass1988 profile image

Yeh defo dose a get dizzy lighthead sore heads shakes sick palpatations boady felling weird like fells emty weak but the sying part is scarying me the most also scared to sleep

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to Maggiecass1988

If you google anything, I suggest googling "can anxiety cause ..." and then type in your symptom. If it says yes then stop there, do not google anymore. What you're saying is classic anxiety symptoms. Stress also causes horrid symptoms, I've made myself really ill due to it, like physically not just mentally

Maggiecass1988 profile image
Maggiecass1988 in reply to emmalou3422

Nope a dont google am even scared to take meds due to side affects but ita the dying part its relly making me ill cant enjoey anything due to it been stuck on my mind 24/7 horrible dont whant to do anything even with kids but a try hard

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to Maggiecass1988

Have you seen a doctor about it all?

Maggiecass1988 profile image
Maggiecass1988 in reply to emmalou3422

Yeh thay gave me mirtazipine 15mg to take but a have ot even took them also waiten on a counceiler to speak to been to docs lots off times if not nearly every day in thay keep telling me its anxety your not going to die hard to belive n scary

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to Maggiecass1988

I would say take them, see how you get on. Anxiety tabs did me the world of good when I was on them, they gave me a rest from my own thoughts. I started to lead a normal life again. I only stopped due to the pregnancy, wish they could find some that are safe to take during pregnancy

Maggiecass1988 profile image
Maggiecass1988 in reply to emmalou3422

A panick about taking them have u ever felt weak feom head to toe juat sont whant to sie n leave kids am on 29 x

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to Maggiecass1988

Yeah I've had that, I get it every time I feel really anxious, and trust me, you are not going to die! Well, not right now anyway, you have a very high chance of living to old age.

Maggiecass1988 profile image

Its like sensation that your surroundings aren't real, is that real with anxiety

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to Maggiecass1988

Yep had that too, had it last night when I was having a bad panic attack x

dizzychar profile image

Hi Emma hope your ok, I too have health anxiety, had it for quite some time now, not been feeling too bad lately just off days here and there, been feeling really off today and could feel the worry and anxiety creeping back in 😔

X x x

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to dizzychar

It's horrible isn't it, I'm at my worst at the mo. Have to get test results in the morning and my stomach is doing somersaults. I've imagined all the worst case scenarios and played them out in my head 100 times, I'm literally torturing myself with my thoughts. Going to try some mindfulness stuff now see if it helps me sleep tonight. What's your worries at the moment? Xx

dizzychar profile image
dizzychar in reply to emmalou3422

Yes it really is, what's your results if you don't mind me asking, and hope all goes well,I think we always think the worst of everything and imagine it in our head, and usually turns out that it's not like that at all, I find myself doing this too, I do it sometimes with conversations I plan it all in my head and try and think what the other person might say lol.

My worries at the moment is being ill, just feel off today dizzy and spaced out, pain in my back which I'm imagining all kids, and short of breath, thought I'd come on here to try take my mind off it x

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to dizzychar

Well I'm early stages of pregnancy and I've been getting some weird stuff going on. They've told me it could be an sti so I'm getting results of them today at 10am. I fell asleep and woke up at 1:30 having a panic attack in my sleep, I've had about 7 all through the night I haven't slept. If I have got an sti it will literally ruin my life! Me and my partner only bought a house 3 months ago, this pregnancy was planned, we are engaged. He seems cool as a cucumber saying it will all come back fine because he hasn't cheated, and even though I believe him, I still can't help but think they are going to tell me I have one and my life will fall apart there and then. I wish I could think rationally but I find it impossible. Where is the pain in your back? I've suffered back pain for over a year now, seemed to come out of no where and never left. I imagined all sorts as well until I went to an osteopath x

dizzychar profile image
dizzychar in reply to emmalou3422

Aww sorry to hear that Hun, I'm sure everything will come back ok, but I no once you get something in your head it's not easy. My anxiety was through the roof when I was pregnant. My back pain is on the left, sort of next to my spine and shoulder blade, it comes and goes, but when I get it, it seems to play on my mind, my main worry always used to be my chest but when I started to get other symptoms then I went on to thinking I'd got some other illness, viscous circle. I'm supposed to be taking kids to a wildlife park on Saturday with my sister and her kids, and even though I am really looking forward to it I'm so nervous and really want to come up with an excuse but at the same time I don't want to let my kids down x x

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to dizzychar

I had my results back an hour ago and everything was negative, I had to send a group text to friends and family apologising for stressing them out lol. I got my self so worked up it took me an hour to calm down after. Ahh ok my back pain was at the bottom of my back. I advise going to see an osteopath, they are soo good at sorting out back pain. Obviously I thought mine was spine cancer or ovarian cancer but it turned out to be my spine bent a little bit and they cured it within two sessions. I also do that, like to hide away, don't want to socialise or do anything fun when my anxiety is bad. No motivation to do anything! I've had a week off work this week and I've done nothing but barely wash and cry lol, such a shame, wasted most of it, back to work on Monday x x

dizzychar profile image
dizzychar in reply to emmalou3422

That's brilliant news, Aww its rubbish isn't it, hate that feeling! Try and enjoy the rest of your week off 😊 I also have lower back pain but it was the other that I was fretting over, I've just come down to the park with kids and dogs, get some air for an hour, then back home to tidy, I hardly did anything yesterday lol moped around in my pjs

Hope you can make the most of your time off and glad to hear the results was all good x

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to dizzychar

Some fresh air will do good, hopefully it takes your mind off your aches and pains for a little whilst you're out. Dog walks always takes my mind off things, until I get home that is then it's back to the same thing again lol. I hope you enjoy your day and thank you for talking to me you've been lovely. If you ever want someone to vent to just drop me a message 😊 xx

dizzychar profile image
dizzychar in reply to emmalou3422

Thank you Hun, and same to you x x

Maggiecass1988 profile image

Thanks ladies see when u sleep do u ever get that u have not slept but u have then u start to fell weird xx

Looks like we're in the same boat.I'm always always anxious about my heart (worried even when I'm typing this right now)

emmalou3422 profile image
emmalou3422 in reply to keptainicandozatt

Being worried about your heart is so common with health anxiety, you're definitely not alone there. I worried about my heart once, thought I was having a stroke! Turned out to be an inflamed rib and my left arm just lost feeling in it, it was completely unrelated. The feeling come back and my heart was fine! I worry about random stuff, last week it was an sti! There's no reason for me to have one, I've been in a relationship for 4 and a half years. Turned out to be normal pregnancy stuff. It's never anything serious which is a good thing but can't work out why my head instantly thinks the worst

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