Ugh. I read an article about a mother passing away at 21 years old from having a blood clot in her lungs. It said she had told her boyfriend after she went to the bathroom because she started having chest pains, so he called an ambulance and a few hours later she had sadly passed on.. in the article she had a 21 month old baby and a 3 week old baby and it saddens me to read about that... she was so young and it all just happened too quickly. How did the drs not know she had a blood clot? Especially after just giving birth not too long ago. So, of course I decided to look up how common it is to have a blood clot in your lungs and what the symptoms are. Some of the symptoms are very similar to physical anxiety symptoms and now I’m worried that I have a blood clot in my lungs. It never ends. This week I’ve diagnosed myself with several diseases and life threatening conditions and now this. I know that death is inevitable, but I really don’t want to die young. This really sucks.. I’m so sad for that woman and her family.
Health Anxiety! : Ugh. I read an article... - Anxiety Support
Health Anxiety!

I know exactly how traumatizing that can be to read or hear about someone else's fate and then to immediately think or convince yourself it will happen to you. It's sad on both ends. Very sad for that young lady. And then sad to know that this can happen to someone so sudden. It puts all kinda of thoughts in your mind to ponder on.
I too have diagnosed myself with all kinds of terminal illness and diseases. It's a vicious cycle especially when it's always some sad news of someone passing. That's literally why I try to stay off of social media and sites that render such bad news. Youre right, it seems like it's never ending. Smh. It's very scary. And the fact I have kids will automatically scare me to hear because then I'd think of how I'm afraid of leaving my kids behind.
When I was a teenager I was very suicidal and now that I’m pretty much an adult, I can’t believe I ever felt that way. I cherish my life and I’m not ready to go. It might sound weird to say, but these last few years I’ve actually come to find that life is worth living so the thought of going before ever getting married or having children makes me feel sick. I feel so sorry for that woman and her family as well as people like us who suffer mentally and physically and think we’re going to end up in the same position.
I’ve been dealing with my physical symptoms for 6 months now and have diagnosed myself with so many things. I’ve been trying to tell myself that I can’t have it all at once and it’s highly likely that I have none of it. This is miserable.
That's exactly what I say, I cherish my life and want to live. I do understand that we must die, but having kids and wanting to be in a loving relationship one day, I wouldn't want to die and not have that. I do atleast have my daughters whom I love dearly and just the thought of leaving them so early breaks my heart. And it does break my heart that I could die before ever experiencing getting married and living my purpose. When I was younger and apparently ignorant and living for the mundane things, I thought I was living free and having fun. But now that life has changed for me and anxiety is there, I appreciate the things I took for granted before, like a peace of mind to say the least.
I've been dealing with this going on 5 years now. It can be a miserable cycle.
Same with you. Feel free to reach out. We are sisters of the struggle. ❤
Hey destinymichelle. The first thing you can do for yourself is to stop googling. You can’t really avoid those really unfortunate stories but you can control how much you look into them. Blood clots are one of my biggest fears too because my family has a history of blood clots, but it’s not something I can really dwell on. Instead of googling and worrying about blood clots I practice ways I can prevent them.
Drinking more water
Not staying immobile for long periods of time
For me personally, not going on birth control because of my family’s history
Wearing compression stalkings on long flights, etc.
The one thing I’ve learned about health anxiety is that it oftentimes stems from feeling uncontrolled. We can’t plan what will happen to us but we can take risks to lower the chances of certain things happening.
I guess it was really because I seen it said something about chest pain. My first thought was “omg I have that all of the time” and I’ve drove myself crazy all day. My chest is currently hurting, but it does this every day at some point and I’m very convinced that I have it. It’s never ending I feel. I’m sorry that you have to worry about it.
Oh no worries. Not much you can do when it comes to your own genetics.
I think you should try thinking about your symptoms as “ok this is anxiety”. The more you accept them as anxiety, the more benign they’ll become to you. I really think you’re going to be ok.
Hello destinymichelle you are going to be okay you have hypochondria a type of anxiety called health anxiety I do have it too you are not alone but I have a lot of mental health issues mainly anxiety and depression and panic disorder and night terrors and physical problems including hypothyroidism under active thyroid possibly Hashimotos disease and Polycythemia blood disorder and hypertension high blood pressure and Raynauds poor circulation and carpal tunnel syndrome in the wrists affects median nerves In the wrists. I have been in hospital twice and have had more needles in me than I could count including saline big needles in the arms and put on water drips and have had to wheel around the drip holder with a crutch because of bad knees and shins. All this at 32 years old and a guy. But I am tough and you are too you’re going to be okay you got this. My anxiety makes me shake sometimes but it’s like for example when I go to get regular blood tests done I just close my eyes no crying or anything and I just say to myself they are just doing their jobs to help me and it will all be okay and over with very quickly in out job done. We cannot avoid everything I know I have had anxiety and depression since 19 years old so 14 years I have had for 7 years panic disorder also. We all have a destiny that cannot be avoided at all. But you can be happy and in the present right here right now loving life and enjoying life and not worrying about what might or might not happen you will drive yourself crazy trying to even bother. Just be happy chill and relax and be at one with yourself.
If you want to talk I am here and will listen and try to help.
Wow. I am so sorry that you have so much going on all at once. There’s no doubt about it that you are strong! Thank you so much for your kind words. I want you to know that I’m here for you if you ever need or want to talk. My mother suffers from Raynauds as well. I’ve actually never talked to anyone that has it too. I’m so sorry once again that you’re suffering from all of these things, but you have definitely inspired me to keep going! You are strong, no doubt about it! ❤️ Thank you once again.
Hello destinymichelle I have been through a lot in my life also been in hospital with a knife in my left thigh 10 years ago and remember trying to hold back the tears due to pain. I have had my nose broken 3 times and can barely walk with my knees. I have a mobility scooter at 32 years old but never used to have all these problems I was like nah never going to happen to me I was too blind and silly when I was younger. My mum has a bucket load of conditions Arnold Chiari Malformation pressure on the brain fluid and brain has sloped putting pressure on the spine. Heart failure diabetes high blood pressure and lymphodema cellulitis pro lapse disks fibromyalgia and depression. My dad has nerve damage in ankle where a glass bottle exploded ruptured his nerve tendon in his ankle and has crepitus and spondylitis. Sometimes things cannot be avoided you can run but you cannot hide from fate or destiny but you can take steps to change the outcome even then that don’t always work. Do I love life hell yeah am I anxious yes all the time and depression most of the time but I have my dog Reah who needs me a beautiful and very cute and loving Staffordshire Bull Terrier in white with black eyes and nose. He is my world and my mum and dad are also my world. My brother has a hole in his heart archaic and angina and asthma and anxiety and has the same condition as me hypothyroidism. So out of 3 of us brothers 2 of us are in bad shape.
I am so so sorry to hear all of this. I wish that I could help take all of yalls pain away. I’m glad that you have your dog. I have 2 dogs and a cat. They are all my best friends especially my chihuahua (she’s in my profile picture) she is my best friend and helps me through everything.
Hello destinymichelle chihuahuas are well cute. My Staffordshire bull terrier is well funny he snores runs in his sleep farts burps and expects luxury lol. I have had him since 1 years old so 6 years old so five years same as me been through hell and back cuts scrapes heart murmur and ripped his skin open on his head chasing a Fox has a scar. But I love him so much. I used to have cat dark calico that never grew just stayed kitten size always used to sit on my neck and shoulders and lick and wash my hair lol
Sad for that woman’s family, blood clots can happen for different reasons? Overweight, flying, heart issues etc. I didn’t read about any counseling? Sounds like you could be a hypochondriac ? I had a friend like that, if I told her how I was feeling, she’s call back saying she felt the same way? But anxiety can create Real health issues from stress. Best Wishes
Hi destinymichelle , I just wanted to tell you that I had blood clots in my lungs and survived! The outcome is not always death. It has been 5 years and I am doing great. I would also like to advise you to stay off social media and avoid the news. For those of us with anxiety it just feeds into it. I know I have to avoid that stuff to keep my generalized anxiety down. If you have any questions let me know.
Good luck and I hope you start to feel better
Thank you so much! Do you get physical anxiety symptoms and if so, was it easy to find the difference between the anxiety physical symptoms and realizing you had a blood clot? Thank you so much and wow, you are strong! ❤️ I’m glad that you’re doing good!!!
Yes, I do get physical symptoms. I get rapid breathing and breathlessness sometimes. I don't want to feed into your anxiety, but you can purchase an 02 sensor at Walmart or stores such as that. Your oxygen should remain above 90 or so. Mine had gone into the 70's when I had those blood clots.
Try to just deep breathe or meditate when you are anxious, that really helps me.
Was it expensive? That’s so weird because I’ve been thinking about how much I need something to read my oxygen levels to me. I feel like it’s would help me calm down in those moments that I start assuming the worst about my health. Thank you so so much!
I think you can get one for around $50. I know that is kind of expensive. The only problem I have found with mine is that at times I was getting obsessive about it and I'm checking my 02 all the time. That just added something for me to be anxious about. But that was just me.
I have really been helped by the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy I have been doing. Have you thought of trying that?
Yes, I have thought about trying it. I have to go through a free mental health clinic to get that far though because I don’t have any health insurance.