ugh something new now !!: so my heart... - Anxiety Support

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ugh something new now !!

errivbr4678778 profile image
15 Replies

so my heart flutters have gone again, its like they come for a few weeks and go for a few weeks??! but anyway today im feeling really really weird, like i feel dizzy/faint/ and weak. feeling like im not here aswell all rolled up in one. and my heart feels really weak like its going to stop, im really aware of my heartbeat too. is this just anxiety because it feels really horrible and incomfetable.

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errivbr4678778 profile image
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15 Replies
Usagold profile image

I'm jealous! I wish my flutters would go! So that's good for you, and as long as you worry about the dizziness and depersonalization (that's what they call that disconnected feeling you're describing), the flutters will probably stay gone. With anxiety, whatever you worry about is what stays. You have the classic symptoms of anxiety. Since you know what it is, you need to accept it for what it is, think about it very little, and give your tired brain a rest. Don't let yourself worry about these new symptoms at all. I am pretty certain that the only thing wrong with you is your worrying about what's wrong with you. Aka anxiety!

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply to Usagold

they're strange though because they will last for about 2 weeks then go for 2 weeks, ill just wake up one morning and they wont be there, just after them being there literally most beats alot of the time the other night. it doesnt make any sense. yeah im trying to my hardest to think postive but now im having this feeling weak and faint/dizzy/not being here feeling to deal with. and of course im worried thats to do with my heart aswell.

Usagold profile image
Usagold in reply to errivbr4678778

Yes, I know man, it seems so random. My heart got going last night driving home from my daughter's volleyball game and was skipping every 4th, 8th,15th... beats! My old thinking patterns tried to kick in and make me worry, but I knew what it was so I did ok, I didn't get too afraid. I did have a what-if thought though. It's not easy. We HAVE to shift our focus from these strange random symptoms our bodies are throwing at us, to changing our thinking patterns. Our goal is to be like those people who don't give a ****. Say to yourself, yeah whatever dizziness, you're no big deal. Whatever to the flutters and who cares to the weakness because we know it all happened because we overused our brains and now our organs are high on adrenaline. It takes time to come down, but they will IF we stop worrying about it. And relax.

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply to Usagold

i know its a nightmare and really horrible. do u ever them it every beat though until u have to cough or move for it to go away? because i do and i think thats what scares me the most. thank you im doing my best to relax.

jessiejakes profile image
jessiejakes in reply to Usagold

That was a brilliant read thank you I've had crap day today and plenty of WHAT IFs .......but sorry to say I've had to take a 2 mg diazepam tonight as I've got to go to work in the morning and I live alone and support myself.

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to errivbr4678778

You're making progress, the heart flutters have stopped. But already you're worried that they'll come back. Maybe they won't ever come back. Or if they do it might be after a long break and they won't be anything like as bad as they were. Maybe everybody telling you it's anxiety not a bad heart has finally sunk in and you've been less fearful so the flutters have stopped because of that. One day at a time, Elliot, just enjoy the freedomfom the flutters. Don't keep checking for them, let them go on their way and trouble you no more.

Of course you feel weak, faint and dizzy, you"ve taken quite a nervous battering the last few weeks. And of course your heart feels strange, it's behaving normal for the first time in quite a while. No more missed heartbeats inevitably feels strange after what you've been through. So just relax and enjoy the freedom from worry and don't start making up extra things to worry about.

It's still important to go and see your doctor on Thursday. You want to get the total reassurance of an electrocardiac specialist telling you there's nothing wrong physically with your heart (so that leaves anxiety as everyone's been saying). Don't back peddle on that important request for a refferal we spoke about before.

Like I've been saying to you for weeks, your heart didn't stop, nor will it now. Let you and your heart recover. It's time to turn your attention to more enjoyable things. Keep us all posted.

Usagold profile image

Yes! I have! I thought about going to the hospital not long ago because I was getting so many skips & some every other beat! When I have a panic attack, I feel runs of them. It doesn't feel safe at all. I have to trust the doctors, who saw them on the monitor, and God who knows my future. And it makes sense, that since I have other anxiety symptoms, my dad had OCD, my mom was very anxious, I am definitely a worrier, and other anxious people on this forum, like yourself have the same skipped beats, that these are caused (or at least worsened) by anxiety. Your dizziness and weakness is definitely not your heart. I've felt the same way. I think most of us here have felt that way. It's just one more sign of a tired brain.

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply to Usagold

yeah its probably one of the worst things ever, especially when i get an attack of them all in a row, are yours just skips or extra beats also? the first doctor i saw actually listened to my heart when it was doing extra beats and he told me i had drop beat, which is ' Skipped Beats. Interestingly, both skipped beats and extra beats or palpitations typically have the same cause: the heart's regular rhythm is interrupted by a premature or early beat. If the premature beat arises from the atria (upper chambers), it is called a premature atrial contraction (PAC).' he said it wasnt serious and its normal. he said u can get up to 7 a min and it be fine, but they got worse after that and i got alot more than 7 a min, with breathlessness, and loads of other symptoms which is why i went back to my doctor and she told me it was anxiety related. but she got me to have a 24 hour heart monitor. i think 7 a min are normal if u arent anxious idk.

Shaun93 profile image

It's really weird reading something like this, I literally use to feel like this all the time. Stay strong it gets better

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply to Shaun93

really bro... did u ever get them every beat? how did u overcome it

Shaun93 profile image
Shaun93 in reply to errivbr4678778

Yeah I got them quite a lot and it was all put down to anxiety, I tried different ways to make it stop like breathing techniques and what not but nothing helped as I was panicking every time it happened, I take medication for anxiety and ever since I started taking it I've never had bother with palpitations, you just need to find something that helps you. Everyone's different what worked for me may not work for you but you'll get there.

jessiejakes profile image

Hi I've had crap day today to and the dizzy weird feelings .but I have managed best I can throughout the day as I work partime.but I've given in tonight and taken a 2 mg diazepam as I'm in need of some sleep and need some help with this anxiety as got to go work tom.hope you are feeling better soon.

p57rosie profile image

Common Anxiety Symptoms:

Neck tension


Anxiety chest pains

Pulsing in the ear

Motion sickness

Brain zaps

Brain fog, Foggy head

p57rosie profile image

Anxiety Symptoms (including Anxiety Attacks, Disorder, and Panic Signs and Symptoms)

Over 100 anxiety symptoms and signs for anxiety, anxiety attacks (panic attacks), and other anxiety disorders including the following anxiety symptoms:

Numbness and tingling


Chest pain


Neck tension

Stomach upset, nervous stomach

Pulsing in the ear

Burning skin

Fear of impending doom


Shortness of breath

Electric shock feeling

Shooting pains in the face

Heart palpitations

Weakness in legs

Feeling like you are going crazy

Inability to rest

Sleep problems

There are a great many more anxiety symptoms.

kevoreally profile image

Have you looked into what your eating or drinking? I believe i said to you in your lat post i could be diet related so fo week stay off soda and sugary foods and see how you feel if its still there you may actually have something going on cardiac wise i had WPW symdrome and SVT so i needed an ABLATION

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