Had my first panic attack on Saturday. Tbh,I have no idea what triggered it. I was feeling alright in the daytime and it happened when I was about to sleep.
I started feeling hot/cold all over + chills and I froze up for awhile and felt like I couldn't breathe. Felt really light-headed too.Like I could faint anytime. And then the nausea hit me..but I was only dry heaving and nothing came up. I was honestly freaking out and it took me awhile to regulate my breathing and I felt uncomfortable for a couple of hours until I managed to drift off to sleep.
It's Monday and I just experienced another one a few hours ago while I was sleeping.I'm really just scared shitless at this point of time.But I've managed to calm down after watching a few breathing techniques.Now I'm scared to sleep because what if it happens again? It feels like I'm going to stop breathing in my sleep and I can't seem to relax.
I feel alright during daytime,but it starts acting up when it's nighttime.I think it's probably because I'm anxious and anticipating one and it just makes me feel really breathless
does anyone have any tips?