Anxiety Support

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errivbr4678778 profile image
34 Replies

im getting these heart flutters now when i even get up from laying down, any sort of movement can cause one, standing up aswell, sometimes happen when i take a really deep breathe aswell. ive had alot today and im really really anxoius and stressed out i also feel really really weak!!! has anybody else had this or got this. any reassurance please im so scared.

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errivbr4678778 profile image
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34 Replies
20Voices profile image

If you are really worried about how you are feeling and it is getting worse you should go and see your doctor or if you feel it is really bad then maybe you should go to the hospital.

I hope you feel better soon.

Take care.

HopingCat profile image

This is called anxiety and maybe you need a little help to control that. I hate medication and never in my life I thought I would be taking a medication but I started because I realized I needed help. Today is my 3rd day of Effexor .I get heart palpitation too with many more disturbing symptoms since I been stuck with this hell depersonalization/derealization. The minute I open my eyes I have heart flutters and massive anxiety. Half of my low dose Xanax seems to help too.I don't take it everyday but I found myself taking it maybe 2 times a week.

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply to HopingCat

i am on meds for anxity the doctor upped my dose last week, how can anxity cause me to have heart flutters even when i move?! like describe what ur flutters feel like please are they like missed beat feelings and extra beat feelings???

HopingCat profile image
HopingCat in reply to errivbr4678778

Like skipped beats... and then BAM a huge beat that actually hurts. I even went to the Er once because of this and nothing. Remember that when you up the dose you might get some side effects. Do you have a benzo?

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply to HopingCat

do u ever get the double beats? whats benzo? do u ever them when u just move tho? like any sort of movement its really scaring me because i feel really weak aswell

HopingCat profile image
HopingCat in reply to errivbr4678778

Xanax or something similar to calm

You down. I get all kinds of beats with anxiety. If you want peace of mind and are afraid of a heart attack then maybe a trip to the Er is best.

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply to HopingCat

do u ever get them when u move tho? and ive got a doctors appointment soon

HopingCat profile image
HopingCat in reply to errivbr4678778


Nancyinoc458 profile image
Nancyinoc458 in reply to errivbr4678778

Hi errivbr,

I have the same symptom, and it's been happening on and off for 2 years. My doctor finally talked me into taking Zoloft, which actually caused more heart palpitations! So, talk to your doctor about this problem. Many times, medication alone isn't enough to make you feel better, and it can even worsen your symptoms or cause new ones.

. I've received help from an amazing book titled, "DARE: The New Way to End Anxiety and Stop Panic Attacks," by Barry McDonagh. I highly recommend it to you! I still get uncomfortable symptoms, but the DARE book has taught me how to cope with them. I hope that's helpful. Hang in there and keep exploring ways to feel better. 😊

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply to Nancyinoc458

thank you for the reply, but when u said u get the same symptoms did u get them even with the slightest movement? and how offten were they because when mine are bad i can literlly get them every 3-4 beats but thats only useally when im really anxoius and my hearts beating fast, sometimes even every beat and il have to cough for them to go also going to talk to the doctor about the dosage being uppened because ever since ive been alot worse

Cheche1207 profile image

Im sorry to hear you are having a hard time. Did you feel this way before your doctor upped your meds?

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply to Cheche1207

i was feeliing bad but nowhere near this bad now and i wasnt getting the flutters they had calmed down

Cheche1207 profile image
Cheche1207 in reply to errivbr4678778

I took magnesium (citrate). Then i came across this article saying magnesium threonate is way better for the brain. So when i finish this bottle, i am going to switch. Magnesium helped me because it made me calm for some reason, i cant even get pissed like i used to LOL no kidding. Another article i read mentioned that magnesium is the original chill pill which i have to agree without any doubt is true for me :) i hope like what timtim22 said, it will work for you too. To this day i still take magnesium along with vitamin D.

I told you to try Magnesium which helps heart flutters and i bet you haven't. You've got to experiment and try to help yourself instead of just going round and round and round because you'll be doing it forever if you step out of your rut

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply to

i know u did but they went for about 2 weeks thats why i didnt, i was honestly going to untill they stopped, i started eating fruit and alot of bananas and i honestly felt fine for about a week, no flutters my breathing was fine i felt so good in myself i could go out and play football and i wouldnt get 1 flutter let alone loads a minite. and then i found my breathing was bad and the flutters came back. i will try them.

XxWil_91 profile image
XxWil_91 in reply to errivbr4678778

Hey bro I know how u feel ..I had to stop playing sports because of the flutters I use to get but one thing I can tell u is that it CAN go away have to be mentally strong and know that these things won't kill you ..have faith in your doctors ..I did multiple tests and everything came out fine it just comes down to the anxiety your feeling and the adrenaline your body is realeasing ..I'm back to playing sports I get flutters once in a blue but u have to be strong and know they aren't harmful

Buy some and you won't look back !!

Magnesium for Heart Health

Heart palpitations, “flutters” or racing heart, otherwise called arrhythmias, usually clear up quite dramatically on 500 milligrams of magnesium citrate (or aspartate) once or twice daily or faster if given intravenously.- Dr. H. Ray Evers

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply to

okay i am going to get them i have to, is this actually anxity tho??

in reply to errivbr4678778

It's stress / anxiety something is bothering you. Stress depletes Magnesium and you get heart flutters when it's low, so yes it's anxiety / stress. Try and deal with the problem whatever it is and get some Magnesium glycinate and it will help you, I know I had it and mine have gone since taking Magnesium glycinate daily.

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply to

okay i will order them tomorrow im going to make sure they're ok to take with the meds im on with my doctor first though, when u got them did u ever get them when u moved positon, or just any movment, standing up, or wernt they that bad.

in reply to errivbr4678778

I got them in bed, walking around supermarkets, driving my car, at work, on the toilet, eating my tea. Everywhere and anytime. The more you stress about it the more it will happen because you are stressing yourself out about a symptom of stress and adding worry to an already worried mind.

Stop it, chill out and when they happen let them happen.

It's ok !!

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply to

did u even get breathing problems with them? or breathing problems in genreal. okay i will try to. i feel like i need to see my doctor again though. also i get this elertic shock feeling at night in my chest and head, sometimes hands aswell when im trying to sleep and when it happens my heart seems to go all funny, i dont know what it is if if its bevause its a shock when it happens i dont know.

in reply to errivbr4678778

Yes I got breathlessness, panic when I got out of breath. Thought I was gonna die all the time, heart flutters, tingling hands and shocks down my arms, legs and head. Ringing in my ears and just shitting myself most of the day. It's shit son but try your hardest to get past it and not worry more because you'll have this for the rest of your life if you don't try and beat it now when you're a young lad.

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply to

okay ill give it my all, not like i already have but ill give it even more. its just the fear of the doctors being wrong and actually having something wrong.

in reply to errivbr4678778

It's stress and nothing more. Get some Magnesium glycinate and it will ease you ALOT, deal with whatever is making you like this, if you're getting bullied or it's your sexuality or your taking drugs, deal with it because until you do you will not get better. And tell yourself you are OK and believe it.

RyRywifey profile image
RyRywifey in reply to errivbr4678778

To me it sounds like anxiety mixed with a little bit of side affects from your meds. You're fine, you're just overthinking and over analyzing. When you go to your appt you will have peace of mind

Jeff1943 profile image

errivbr4678778, you say you're seeing you doctor soon. For your own reassurance tell him or her everything you have told us and say that you're convinced these missed heart beats are organic not anxiety and could this be looked at. For your reassurance. But I tell you, errivbr4678778, this is certainly anxiety based in my opinion and the skipped beats are caused bythe fear you are generating. If you were able to stop generating fear every time you feel the missed heart beats then in a very short time your heart beat would return to normal.

As you probably already know they're not actually missed heartbeats even though they feel like it, it's really that the gaps between beats become unevenly spaced. But this is not life threatening, it cannot cause you permanent harm, heart attack or any of the other things you feel. Nobody dies or has a stroke because they have an irregular heart beat. So try to keep calm, let all your muscles go limp, feel the tension slowly relaxing and do the calming breathing exercise, you know, slowky breathe in, hold it a couple of seconds, slowly breathe out, pause, repeat. And make sure you take full advantagecof your meeting with the doctor, prepare what you are going to say to your doctor, exaggerate everthing a bit to impress on him how badly it's affecting you and ask forsome test to see if it'-s a physical thing, just for your own reassurance. You are going to come though this, my young friend, I promise that you will recover and you will feel fit and normal and life will be a dream. Just stay cool or if you can't do that then just stay as cool as possible and imagine all that fear just floating away and leaving your body because if you can master the fear then your heart beat will soon return to normal.

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply to Jeff1943

thank you, reading that helped me so much. thank u for taking ur time to write all of that i really appreciate it. its weird actually, they went for 2 weeks, and one night i was dreaming that i was having heart flutters and in the dream someone told me to get to the hospital fast, and then i woke up and i was having heart flutters??? but i will try do what u said and relax, i think seeing my doctor asap will help me alot though,

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to errivbr4678778

You can send me a message any time you feel it will help, I don'thave my tablet on all the time but will get back to you SAP. I want you to tell us how you get on at your next doctor's visit, what he/she says and will they send you urgent to a specialist in irregular heart beats. In the meantime can they give you a med to calm your heart beats? This will be sorted out, my young friend, please keep me informed, I have put in a special word for you with the big man upstairs, you know who I mean. Try and get some rest now,

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply to Jeff1943

okay thank you, ahh i hope he answers! what urgent so i get a piece of mind? ill let u know anyway, my doctor should be calling me tomorrow before i see her.

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to errivbr4678778

I just said urgent to get your doctor to hurry things up, you don't want to be waiting weeks, so if you exaggerate a bit you get seen sooner. I didn't mean that I suddenly thought it was urgent, didn't mean that at all, the fact remains that almost all irregular heart beats are due to anxiety and can be sorted with some treatment and are not serious, though I know it troubles you greatly.

errivbr4678778 profile image
errivbr4678778 in reply to Jeff1943

yeah it does i cant wait to see my doctor, what scares me aswell is that my heart flutters when i take a deep breathe in also.

Just wondering. You felt better for bananas. Wonder are you low on potassium?

blossomgirl profile image

Yes especially when a thought triggered my mind - hard to get rid of but I was told to stay in the moment and not think ahead.

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