does anyone else get these heat flutters, /skipped beat feelings or extra beat feelings when they stand up. like that triggers them when im getting them.
anyone??: does anyone else get these heat... - Anxiety Support

errivbr4678778 I'm back...Are you still having those flutters now? Have you hydrated enough today? That can make a big difference.
yes ive drunk loads of water, i just seem to get them alot today when i stand up and feel my heart
What you may be feeling is a normal pulse. When you stand the heart works a little harder than sitting or lying down. It may skip or flutter but that's because of the anxiety and not something abnormal going on with your heart.
i hope not. it all just seems odd to me. i live for the day this all goes away, if it ever does.
Yep. Every day for the past 5 years, they go away while I'm sleeping and when I stand up out of bed they start again every single day. As Agora said, drink lots of water or even sports drinks; completely cut out caffeine, nicotine, marijuana if you use any of them; keep a food diary (some foods can exacerbate the palpitations. For me it's onions, rosemary and peanut butter for whatever reason). Try to stay calm when they happen. If you've been cleared by your doctor they ARE NOT going to harm you. They're just annoying. Also try supplements. My doctor has me on Chelated magnesium, 4000 mg of Vitamin D and calcium because our body needs them to help keep our nervous system and our cardiovascular system functioning optimally. You just have to let your body become accustomed to them. Stay busy. Don't even give it a second thought when you stand up. Just expect it and accept it. It'll make life so much easier.
Yes, I get these. I get a few a day even when I'm feeling normal, but when my anxiety is high, oh goodness, I get a lot. Like you, if I stand up and walk, sometimes I feel several per minute for a while, and sometimes if I'm in a stressful situation, I get one like every 10th beat, then if I get nervous about the skips, I start getting one every 3 or 4 beats. This is the one symptom I have a hard time accepting. I let it scare me. I always think something is wrong with my heart. I want to ride my bike and work out again so bad, but I start getting lots of these missed beats, so I don't. Do you get as many as me? Do you have panic attacks? That's when they get really scary for me-my heart races and skips and I always think I'm going to die.
yes when they're really bad i can get them every other beat, sometimes very rarely i can get them every beat for like 5 seconds untill i cough. im waking up with them now just even moving when im laying down makes me happen anything that reqires me to move my body triggers them does it with u??
Yes, if I try to do too much, or experience any stress at all, I wake up with these heart issues, racing (has gotten up in the 170s) and skipping, and feel like I can't breathe right. I think it's a panic attack, but I focus on my heart symptoms more than the others. On nights like this, if I even roll over, my heart speeds up and starts missing beats. Yes, I have noticed when I take a deep breath I get them, I get a lot when I eat and in the shower for some reason (maybe the hot water). My anxiety had improved back before my mother died, and I was getting very few skipped beats, so I'm hoping if I can accept them for now, along with the racing heart, nervous stomach, and newly developed stomach pain, they will get better again and hopefully stop altogether.
yeah does ur stomac hurt when u press in on it? because mine does sometimes, can ur missed beats/extra beats happen every other beat sometimes? what did the doctors say.
My stomach hurt all night last night and has not felt right today either. I've had very mild nausea lots of nights over the past month, but it's way worse. Do you think it's likely related to anxiety or something else? I can press and feel where the pain is in the middle right in the pit of my stomach. I'm going to try a otc Zantac tonight. I have felt back to back skips. I wore a monitor & it showed couplets, but nothing they are concerned about, just PVCs. I am way more concerned than my cardiologist. I feel like it means something is wrong.
u say sometimes u get them every 3-4 beats?? ive had an ecg chest xray and blood test all came back fine, the first time i went to the doctors my doctor actually listend to my heart and told me i had drop beat but its normal and its nothing seroius, but it got worse so i went back to my gp and she said its anxity realted but ive had an 24 hour heart monitor im just waiting on the results but it feels so much more because when they're bad sometimes i can get them like 5 beats in a row but that hapened when i had my monitor so they will be able to see.
Do you think my stomach symptoms sound like anxiety related? You've had similar?
yes of course, i dont worry about my stomac only my heart, what did the doctors say to u about the heart?
He said I have PVCs, not to worry, he doesn't know what causes the racing, but it is normal sinus tachycardia, so he just put me on a beta blocker. I kept asking questions, he got frustrated and said, "look, your heart is in the top 1% of my patients."But it feels so wrong when it races, bumps & skips!