Soo i was fine until i ate fast food and drank a can of soda but for some reason now my heart been racing and my pulse on my neck beating hard and fast could feel it in my throat its making me panic about my heart is just racing and beating hard i check my blood pressure with a monitor blood pressure it was 115, the dia was 89, and pulse 93 it just annoying because its been this for like a hour i layed down my pulse in my neck beating hard and fast and my heart and was feeling a little bit dizzy Just dont get it aswell feel like i have nervous system disorder its like i cant relax and my heart just beats fast and hard my hands trying to shake really fast and hard i dont know why and my neck gets tite its like its forcing my pulse and heart to beat faster then normal and hard hope fully i im really fine .
Hello everyone ...: Soo i was fine until i... - Anxiety Support
Hello everyone ...

Hello Johnnie,
Sorry your panic and anxiety bothered you today. We know you deal with this every day and you are brave to share it and brave to hang on until it passes. Hope you have a better evening.
fast food and soda have always given me panic attacks, they cause my heart to race and shakiness. I no longer drink beverages with caffeine and still eat fast food just no mcdonalds, mcdonalds is the worst. Soda, if it contains caffeine, is probably what caused these symptoms, try and lay off caffeine and see if it helps. I hope you can find the solution to your problem
Soda equals caffeine and caffeine and anxiety are not friends
I have drank soft drinks for 40 years. I recently found they drain your body of potassium as your body digests the phosphoric acid. I was curious one day after experiencing what you have and sure enough that's what did it. I knew about caffeine but not about that. Now I take a potassium supplement when I drink soda.
I've also come to learn symptoms have reasons and if you can logically (I know when panic hits the brain is overridden with chemical feelings) see what's happening and search for answers it's usually logical not nothing to fear.
Hi there I think we all are a bit 'immune' to people saying junk food and sugar are bad for us but it's true. The sugar/caffeine/fats in junk food and drinks do nothing for our body or minds. Hope you feel better soon x
It's only anxiety and it will pass. Your blood pressure and pulse are well within the low-normal range so there is nothing at all to worry about in that regard. Getting anxious about these symptoms causes adrenaline to flow through your body, so you will likely feel shaky, dizzy and jumpy. Have you ever noticed that after a scare, a dog often shakes its' body? That is to get rid of the extra adrenaline. Go for a walk, ride, run....wear it off.