I started taking Bupropion on June 29. The doctor prescribed 75mg tablets twice daily. I was really scared to take it at first due to fear of side effects. I began taking half a pill in the morning and half in the evening. I was having side effects like agitation, more anxiety, and feeling over energized. I stopped taking for a few days. I talked with my doctor and he said continue taking it, but make sure you take one in the morning and one in the evening. I did that for about two weeks but was still experiencing those same side effects. He then suggested taking two in the morning and one in the afternoon. I have been doing that for a few days and still feel the same. Have I given this medicine enough a chance? Should I suggest to him for me to try something else? I did read that they found some issues with Bupropion. I believe it had something to do with the batches not being consistent. Do you think it would be worth trying Wellbutrin and not the generic? Thanks
Should I continue with Bupropion - Anxiety Support
Should I continue with Bupropion

buddyboy216, It's worth a try. I was always one who wanted brand names only because there can be some difference between generic and brand. Most insurance covers the generic which ends up being a money decision as to which one we can afford to take. In your case having read that the batches of Bupropion have not been consistent, I would try switching over to Wellbutrin just for a month's supply. That should help you know if it's the meds or the time it takes to reach full efficacy levels. Good Luck!
Thanks! I called my insurance co. And they said a months supply of the SR 150mg would around $42 a week. I paid $20 for a months supply of Bupropion. I think I'll give it a try. I wish I could find something to calm me down until I find out if the Bupropion or Wellbutrin is going to work. I do take Zolpidem at night which helps me sleep. The best I feel all day is when I take it and watch tv for an hour or so before going to sleep.
buddyboy216, are you using other methods besides medication to help keep anxiety at a lower level?? It helps immensely if you can give yourself an escape in the afternoon each day. Whatever it might be from taking a walk to meditating it will get you to deep breathe and reduce the stress.
Let us know about the effects of using a brand name drug, if it really will make a difference. Good Luck.
Thanks Agora1. I have been taking 30 minute walks the last few days and I plan to keep it up. Wasn't doing much exercise. I will also look into Meditation. Do you have any experience with phone apps for Meditation? I heard about one called Headspace.