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Anxiety Support

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Ian17 profile image
12 Replies

Hi Guys, I just wanted to introduce myself to you all and hope I can also help and reassure others with my own experiences.

I have suffered Health Anxiety since last September to the point I felt as though I was losing control and didn't know what was wrong with me.

My Anxiety built up over several months before September, it all started when our Little Dog was attacked while we were walking by the river, I managed to save him but was also attacked myself in the process, he had to undergo a major operation on his stomachs. A month later my partner became very ill after an operation that led to her getting a deep wound infection which then turned into necrotising fasciitis, after 5 months of recovery my mum was then diagnosed with Lung cancer shortly afterwards, our little boy was also having problems, every time he ate he was sick. After everybody was on the mend again that's when it was my turn, or so I thought. I had several test including an MRI brain scan. After been given the all clear I was told I had severe Health Anxiety. I had 6 sessions of CBT after a long wait which seemed to help with my feelings, I came down from the highest score of 20 to 6. I would have 3-4 bad weeks and then 2-3 better days, believe me I have experienced all the physical symptoms you could imagine. I'm sure we have all used the phrase "how can I feel so bad if this is only Anxiety" I was just starting to have more better days than bad until just a couple of weeks ago my Mum has been told that her cancer has returned in the Lower part of her lung, we are waiting for test results this week to see if it has spread anywhere else and what can be done. This is the 4th time my mum will be fighting the horrible decease. Not once has she felt sorry for herself and always tries to remains positive. A true warrior. To add insult to injury my partner has been suffering with pain in her stomach since her recovery being told it was scar tissue, after not being listened to we had a private CT scan that revelled the wound has all opened up inside (incisional hernia) this will now entail another big operation to repair the wound. In a whole year we are back to square one. On top of this I'm waiting for a Ultrasound scan on my stomach my Doc said my recent blood test where all fine although I had a higher level of bile in my liver which he is not sure why. Yes I googled it and wished I didn't. I seem to be relapsing more each day trying to deal with everything but not as bad as before. I'm thinking of booking myself some private CBT sessions to help try keep my anxiety at bay for what I might be faced with again. My family need me to strong for them again. I sympathise with everyone of you, these feelings are real. The mind is a very strong machine.

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12 Replies
Babyexx profile image

What kind of phsycial symptoms have you had ? I just made a post because I'm so scared :(( idk what to do!

Ian17 profile image
Ian17 in reply to Babyexx

Hi Babyexx, you name it I've had it! Jaw tension, headaches, off balance, feeling as though your body is going to shut down, upset stomach, feeling sick. Ringing in ears. Feeling as though your whole body is not functioning properly. In the early days you can't accept that Anxiety can really do this to you. It really is a vicious circle, the more you fight it the worse it gets. You will learn what works for you but unfortunately you will have more bad days than good at first.

Babyexx profile image
Babyexx in reply to Ian17

I have no reason to feel anxious atm that's what's worrying me, the pains I'm getting in my feet hands arms elbows, knees neck chest and jaw are hurting me so badly and it's just scaring me :( I'm dreading waking up in the morning because I feel worst then, and I get scared because I'm on my own and I get scared something bad is going to happen, I just can't cope with the pain, and for my chest I constantly feel like there's a pain there and I'm not worrying about anything so I then think it's a heart problem..

Ian17 profile image
Ian17 in reply to Babyexx

You really don't need to be feeling anxious for Anxiety to hit you. I was exactly the same. I still ask myself the same question now. If I'm not feeling anxious why am I having all these physical feelings, something must be wrong. It really is the nature of the beast believe me.

Babyexx profile image
Babyexx in reply to Ian17

I think I'm just terrified really, I'm so scared it's an illness and something's going to happen. I made a post explaNing all of my symptoms

Ian17 profile image
Ian17 in reply to Babyexx

I've just read your post, your not alone believe me. You have to trust your doc if they say there is nothing wrong. Don't worry I didn't believe my doc either, I thought I had a stroke last year, when I explained my symptoms to the doctor he sent me for a MRI scan, all came back clear. You can have symptoms of anything, even heat attacks. I have a friend who has been on his knees crying thinking he is having a heart attack, turned out to be a panic attack. Try to take big deep breaths close your eyes and just let your thoughts come and go. Your brain is working overtime with worry keeping your Anxiety and symptoms going.

Babyexx profile image
Babyexx in reply to Ian17

Thank you it means a lot, it's good to have someone to talk to. Yes !!

My lip was shaking once and twitching and I felt awful and thought I was having a stroke, have also been terrified that I'm going to have heart attacks. I think it's just the pains in my hands and rest of my body because they're constant and they genuinely hurt it gets me down. I don't know how to control it or make it stop

Ian17 profile image
Ian17 in reply to Babyexx

Your welcome, nobody understand unless you have been there yourself. Sometimes reassurance is all you need to make you feel better, even for a little bit! Lol. hang in there and keep fighting. The hardest fight you will ever have is with yourself. You against your brain and if your stubborn like me god help you! lol

jessiejakes profile image

Anxiety causes so many symptoms and its really hard to accept its just anxiety.but believe me I had severe anxiety for 8 months and waiting months for CBT ,but I'm so glad I went for CBT as it shows you all the symptoms you get are caused by anxiety the knotted stomache chest pains feeling exhausted feeling sick difficulty swallowing headaches you name it I had it.but by learning that worring about things/symptoms weren't going to change anything and accepting the symptoms and not to fear them is the way forward.I can now say I'm feeling back to my old self I haven't felt any anxiety for along time I'm feeling back in control of my life I don't fear anxiety or panic .it was hard to change my thinking ! But week after week I could feel myself getting better.but only by accepting all the symptoms the anxiety through at me once you accept anxiety for what it is you lose your fear of it.I highly recommend CBT treatment it gave me back my confidence and a worry free life.hope you all get better soon have faith in your therapist when they tell you its anxiety and the mind can control the body and you can change your thoughts and you will get better! Don't give up hope.there's a life out there to live and I'm going to live it.

Ian17 profile image

All so very true. I refused to take any medication my Doctor offered me, right or wrong I'm not sure. I can understand the need and desperation for taking medication but personally was worried taking tablets would only mask it rather thean cure it. CBT work really well for me too. Feel I need some top up appointments with everything going on again at the moment. I'm sure I will get there 👍

jessiejakes profile image

Hi ian 17 glad you also found CBT good I would have no hesitation in having CBT treatment again if i find myself getting anxious again in the future.but hopefully what I have learnt will carry on keeping it at bay.I wish you well and remember you can control your mind .

Ian17 profile image
Ian17 in reply to jessiejakes

Thank you 😊

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