Just when I thought I was feeling more upbeat, BAM! my GAD is back with full force
I've been on anti ds for 12yrs and have had counselling, CBT, been to group meetings. You name it I've tried it. I bought the Claire Weekes book, after recommendations on here, which was a fab read.
I was just starting to get my thoughts n feelings a little more under control, then yesterday it was back. I haven't been able to control my thoughts and it's scary. I get anxious about being anxious and am scared about what tomorrow holds.
Has anyone got any suggestions about what to do or try to get in control.
Have thought about burning oils to calm myself
I'm dreading work tomorrow, but WILL NOT call I sick as I will not give in. I also have two children who rely on me 24hrs a day
Any advice or comments will be gratefully received 🌸🌸