I'm in tears writing this. But it just seems everything is getting worse. I'm constantly anxious, and it makes me nauseous and weak, all I want to do is sleep. I'm on visteral for anxiety, and my dentist just out me on penicillin, idk if it's side effects or just my own thoughts. I've missed so much school, and recently I've went over 24 hours without eating becase I'm terrified if I eat I'll get sick because if how nauseous I get. I don't even know what to tell my parents because I don't want to overwhelm them .
My anxiety is just out of control. - Anxiety Support
My anxiety is just out of control.
U need to think of other nice stuff as the more u think of the anxiety the worse it will be I know it sounds silly but going for a walk helps or reading to take your mind off it hope this helps abit
Oh bless you. I know its very hard for you believe that people can recover from anxiety. All the terrifying symptoms you are having and constant feeling of being ill are all down to anxiety. I started with panic/anxiety over 38yr ago and still have on occasions panic attacks. Please Dont think anxiety can not be cured. Its us that fuel and feed the anxiety and its us that can beat it. I used to think that at least if I am asleep I am not having anxiety. I realise now I have let this Demon we call anxiety rob me of so many precious years of my life. Years I can not get back. The physical symptoms are all part of anxiety. If you haven't had CB T ask your Gp for a referral . I have referred myself for a 12 week Mindfulness course through Derbyshire mental health. I have heard lots of positives about how this works. As its part of the NHS it is free. I am now 63 and at 24 I couldn't see any way out of anxiety and panic attacks . Trust me you can beat this. As I am typing this text I am listening to the news on daybreak tv and it says there is huge increase in children and teenagers suffering mental health problems like Anxiety and Panic. You're not alone you're not crazy you're not weak. Healthy living like diet and exercise have a big impact on our wellbeing as well. I wish I could convince you that you can beat this. And its not so hard. X
hiya ,please,please tell your parents, bless you, i know its is the worst feeling in the world and going alone is not the best answer,When you feel overwhelm wot do you do with yourself,,,,,,,,can i surgest that you go for a walk with some head phones on while you are walking take slow deep breaths ,this will help .if its late at night,head phones on bit of music ,and slow deep breaths there apps on the web that you can down load for free on anxiety,give it a try,your parents need to know,how you are feeling,and will not be overwhelm why would they,,,,,tell them you are not very well and tell them why,once they know you can get help or carry on the way you are going,you can only get better with help,never ,never be ashamed of who you are, a/////////a little quote if you are on a train and go in to a tunnel you always come out the other side,let me know how you it on,,,,take care we will talk again.
Please confide in your parents - you know they'll be thinking of drugs or other things that might be affecting you, so they'll probably be relieved.
You can get through this - but some help is always a good thing. Go back to the doctor - tell him/her your symptoms and what meds you are on and for how long. It may be trial and error to find some that work for you.
If you're tired all the time then have a nap if you can. get a relaxation app on your phone, stick in your earphones and sleep. you obviously need it. Don't starve yourself - even if you only eat something you are pretty sure will stay down. What about soup?
The tiredness and nausea may be a side effect of your current meds.
You know you can always come on here and we'll try to give you any advice/help we can.
First take some deep breath. I know what you are going threw. You have to try to find things to help you to be calm. And maybe it would be better telling your parents. By hiding it from them, and trying to deal with it on your own can also cause the anxiety to be worst. I think your parents will understand and maybe they have options for you that you haven't thought about