has anyone had frequent headaches and thought they had a brain tumour. If so please share your stories and tell me how you overcome this.
brain tumour scare? : has anyone had... - Anxiety Support
brain tumour scare?

Yes I have! I have suffered bad headaches and migraines forever. I think getting better pain management helped. Also finding out what triggered the migraines. I now tell medical staff about it. I know it's certain things so that helped I think. I think see your doctor and tell them about your headaches if you haven't recently. They may ask you to keep a diary then you'll learn what causes them. They know to send you for tests too if they think you need them.
My mother had a brain tumour but never suffered headaches, you have to accept that sufferers of anxiety ALWAYS think the worst about symptoms, this is why it becomes so debilitating, you may benefit from getting checked out by your doctor? having an expert opinion after examination is perhaps a good start, try and remember that headache doesn't necessarily have to mean you have something terrible going on, stress, anxiety,worry, all can cause constant headaches too...let us know how you get on.. xxxxx
fionaleung21, As anxiouspony said "better pain management helps". I suffered for years from debilitating headaches, both migraine and muscular contraction. It's funny that I never once put that idea in my mind that it could be a brain tumor. Maybe because I knew the symptoms a brain tumor might present or maybe because I had it checked out by a neurologist. I'm not much for medication especially pain meds, so I learned all I could about pain management. Physical therapy helped with the tension headaches and occupational therapy helped me help myself in alleviating the pain. Biofeedback and hypnosis were other techniques I used. The thing is understanding the different kind of headaches. There were times I thought I was having cluster headaches, the pain was so excruciating. Then one day, they disappeared. I barely remember the last time I had a headache. I think you will be able to handle the frequency of your headaches if you could get rid of the fear you have of something dire. This too shall pass... x
I constantly have the fear of brain tumour, I get migraines quite frequently and I speak to my parents and I always say I think I have a brain tumour, I always look up symptoms and think myself into having them. The way I forget about it is simply my mum saying for god sake no it isn't you'd know about it if you did. Which is very true hope you learn to manage it
Omg this is me right now!! I have had different kinds of headache for 2 months now! I can stop thinking im having a brain tumour! =(