I'm 19, and I'm so anxious I have a brain tumour. About five months ago, I saw bright lights all over my room for a couple of seconds and it was gone. A few days later, I developed an odd feeling in my head - like a tingling, slight pressure in my head, all over my scalp and ears. It's so bad it feels like it's affecting my vision sometimes. I had it for just under three months, when it disappeared for a couple of months. However, it has come back and it's been around a month. I saw a general doctor when it first started who said it could be an inner ear infection, and it calmed my anxiety. Since it's been back I'm convinced it's not an ear infection and it's a brain tumour - I even went to the emergency room about a month ago who said she couldn't see any sign of infection, and they also fully checked my eyes and said that the weird vision I have isn't caused by my eyes as they were healthy. I'm now terrified it's a brain tumour, to the point I'm constantly anxious about it.
Anxious I have a brain tumour: I'm 19, and I... - Anxiety Support
Anxious I have a brain tumour
Ok so I know nothing about brain stuff, but is there anywhere you can get a brain scan? Could you, like, ask you doctor about getting one?
If anything, having an answer to whats going on would be really nice ~
I hope things get figured out soon, and that you're okay -
It could be anything....anxiety and panic even. The best thing you can do is get proactive about this. See a neurologist about your issues. Avoid Googling your symptoms as you'll easily match this with that and send yourself plummeting. Google isn't a MD I thought the same because I have visual issues that no doctor seems to know what to do with. All of them concluded with anxiety/panic. My eye doctor said he hadn't a clue and that my eyes were good enough that if I wanted to donate them, he'd have a line out the door. So eye doctor and a neurologist, start there. Get a scan so you can be sure to mark that off the list...most doctors will also use this time to test you for seizures as well. Panic and anxiety cause eye issues....light sensitivity being one of them...here's a website that explains a bit (calmclinic.com/anxiety/symp.... During anxious, stressful and panicked times, our entire body is priming up for an enormous battle that, nine times out of ten, isn't actually coming. So your body is prepping for survival...thus all the muscles and organs in your body begin to tighten and secrete hormones to react. I understand your scared and nervous, but go get answer. The worst case scenario is you have the information so you can begin to get a jump on it. The best case is there's nothing necessarily wrong with you, but you know this is a trigger or side effect of an anxious/stressful reaction. Best of luck and I hope all goes well. I do think you'll be okay
I’ve been going through the same thing since February! It finally went away April 19 but it came back this week. I thought I had a brain tumor, then MS.. never ending! I’ve had CT scan, tons of lab work and neurological work ups done and they all say it’s anxiety.
Thank you for your response! It’s reassuring to know someone else is going through the same thing! I’m currently having a blood test done, and I get my results in 5 days - I’m hoping for some sort of answers, as it’s such a physical symptom, it’s hard to believe it can be caused by anxiety!

I completely understand! It is reassuring to find someone who has similar symptoms. Hoping you get some answers! It’s frustrating when you feel like something is wrong and nobody can pinpoint what it is. I’ve accepted this for anxiety, but it still freaks me out.
So an update: besides having slightly low iron levels, everything checked out fine - leading me to believe it is anxiety. Looks like we’re in the same boat! How are you coping with your symptoms?

It is not easy at all, but I’ve found the more I will myself to ignore the symptoms, the less it bothers me. It went away completely for a few weeks but now it’s back so I’m struggling but doing better than my last bout. It’s hard to believe that anxiety can do all of this to your body
I had the same experience. The sensation went away for 3 months for me, but came back and hasn’t subsided since. Feel free to privately message me also, it’s nice to not feel so alone with such scary symptoms.
Hi I'm new to this group. I have been dealing with those tingling sensations in scalp for over a month now. I also have headaches with them as well. I was told aniexty too.