This fear of death slowly taking away valuable things from my life. When I m in office , having panic attack s and fear of heart attack and unable to concentrate on the work. Due to this I lost my place in my project . No idea how to cope up with this. I m crying alot who will help me
Fear of death: This fear of death slowly... - Anxiety Support
Fear of death

Yeah sometimes.i feel it is one of the side effects of medication
Ok.Then it might be of anxiety
I have this. When I'm busy I feel great doesn't cross my mind. Then the second I'm home from work, I ache, I feel funny, my chest felt like it wa sweating way too hard in bed last night and missing beats. I've been checked but I still worry loads. Anxiety is awful. Maybe try to keep busy and self reassurance. Have some faith in your body. It wants to work properly too, not just your mind. Try to think if it as a great system that's all working as it should
Suchis, I'll give you the short version, you are NOT going to die, you are NOT going to have a heart attack, your nervous system has become over sensitised through worry and stress. There is a book called 'Self help with your nerves' by Claire Weekes that is the pre-eminent book for recovery and it has helped untold thousands to recover by following the method known as Acceptance. It is available on Amazon new or used, I strongly recommend it, it will bring immediate reassurance and covers all the symptoms you mention. It will change your life as it changed mine and will in time lead you to full recovery.