Does anyone else have the feeling of dying in there body too?
Dying feeling?: Does anyone else have the... - Anxiety Support
Dying feeling?

I think it crosses everyone's mind from time to time James because we all feel different aches and pains. Living with anxiety is a challenge for sure.
Yea but i have the feeling in my body ever since the panic attack it might be my head messing with me bc i thought i was going to die when i was having it and now its with me everyday the feeling in the body
James, I understand...Once we experience that first major panic attack it does tend to stay with us. The fear of it repeating keeps it alive in our brain. The "what if" takes over. The only thing that will reverse the feeling to peace and calm is Acceptance that this is anxiety messing with us. It will one day just fade away as you get tired of playing this game with your mind.
yea im not gonna pay it no attention i have to try
Tell yourself over and over that you are strong enough to not listen to what ever your mind is telling you. Get angry at anxiety and tell it to leave you alone. That you will no longer be controlled by the fear it instills in you. It wasn't until I started getting angry with the anxiety bully that it started backing off. Now when it does happen to me, I no longer fear it and it leaves just as fast as it came.
James I feel for anyone that has to go through these feelings, I have been dealing with it for 32 years now. I have control of it but it can be very scary. I can give you my phone number if you would like to talk maybe I can help. Email me at I will send you my number and we can talk if your okay with that? by the way how old are you mine started when I was 26 i am now 57

im 16
Well James I am sorry your suffering this at such a young age, But I promise that your not going to die. I left you a few titles to a few books please try to get them and read them it will help you a lot, and try to keep busy. I know your feels and I still live them feelings a lot as well. Panic attacks are tough I know try looking up self help stories There are lots of books and audio books. learn to breath there are books on dealing with Anxiety and panic but reading some of these books will keep you busy and teach you a lot about dealing with this. Again I am sorry you have to deal with this but you will be okay. If you ever need to talk I check this site often. You take care and read some of those books.

i only had one panic attack but i will read some of the books
Me when my anxiety is through the roof as it is at the minute.I'm so scared of dying it's making me ill I've just woke up wet through anxious fast heart rate dry mouth restlessness and nervous toilet visits cuz I keep thinking I'm dying of something terminal I know it sounds really stupid but it drains me badly and I feel so lonely
Natzsteveo, I'm sorry you are going through this right now. We understand and care. You are never alone on this forum. We support you, we are here for you. Breathe... x
The dying feeling is with me everyday it can calm down if im not thinking about it but its hard
i was so scared when i had that panic attack and now the fear is with all the time
Yes I have it at night at least three times a week. It is scary and debilitating but it is a panic attack. I wake up with my heart pounding, crying and drowning in perspiration. I even write notes to my son on occasion in case I die in my sleep. 😣
Aww Sally xx
Yes... I have also been feeling like this lately. I had a horrible panic attack the other night. I thought for sure it was a heartattack but it was a bad panic attack. I've been going through depression and anxiety alot and feel that dreadful dying feeling in my body all the time now.

Wow same thing with me
Hi I am very familiar with these feelings, I have had anxiety issue for 32 years now after my father passed away. There are times I have to just walk and or keep myself busy. I can control it now for the most part, but it took years of learning. I will tell you this it is only Anxiety and you won't die even if it feels like it. I put a link up at the top that is Amazon these are a few books that I read and they were very helpful. You are going to be okay. Find people that have the same thing going on and talk about it, and read these books.
Thank you for that helpful info Mr.'s greatly appreciated.
All the time. It is part of the whole anxiety thing. Knowing that still doesn't make it any less difficult to deal with. Hang in there!
It won't let me be happy this feeling i can't even do the things i want too