I originally started taking sertraline about 4 years ago as I started to suffer with really bad panic attacks and anxiety. So the doctor started me on sertraline 50mg eventually ended up on 200mg for about 3 years and really helped alot the panic attacks and anxiety stopped altogether so I come of them about 6 months ago, so 2 weeks ago it has flared up again and was finding it hard to cope so i went back on sertraline after speaking to my doctor as they worked brilliant last time so I've been taking them for 2 weeks now and now today my anxiety has flared up really bad and have started to have suicidal thoughts has this happened to anyone else if so could you please let me know if this side effect passes? Thankyou....
Sertraline and suicidal thoughts - Anxiety Support
Sertraline and suicidal thoughts

Besides today have the other days been ok?
Yes no suicidal thoughts but have been tough days with the constant anxious feeling as Iknow with sertraline will get worse before it gets better for the first few weeks. Thanks for replying
So you’re being rational as you know it’s going to get worse before it gets better. I recently upped my dose of Effexor. It was ROUGH for 3 weeks, previously I had suicidal thoughts. But after my brain evened out I’ve been doing so much better. Just try positive self talk. If it’s not improving in a week or so go back to your dr. If it gets severe go to the ER. And you can always PM me if you need to! *hugs*
Thankyou I'm just finding it really hard to get it under control especially when no-one around me understands how it feels. I just keep telling myself maybe the tablets will start working next week
Can your Dr give you something to help while you wait for the sertraline to kick in again?
Yes I have been taking diazepam and then phenergan for the insomnia
Maybe he needs to up the diazepam a bit until the sertraline kicks in. I totally understand. I am going through the same thing. Almost committed suicide in November/ December. I have a good psychologist that I go to every week as well which has helped and meditation and yoga have helped when I can do it. And also puzzles and crossword puzzles believe it or not. I guess it gives my mind something else to focus on. I hope things start to improve for you soon. It sounds like your doctor is on your side which is a great thing!!