Hello Everyone. I decided to join this group (I have never done it) because I have been dealing with Generalized Anxiety and Panic Attacks..for about 20 years now...I lost my dad six months ago, my job, and insurance 3 months ago, so my symptoms are at its peak. I also suffer from Mitral Valve Prolapse, which was never and issue, but since I dealt with almost three or four panic attacks a day about 15 years ago, I have been getting palpitations since then called PVCs...that have affected my MVP. Now, I just started having some episodes of disorientation for about seconds when I am outside my house, so I start getting panic attacks and so anxious that all I want to do is stay home. I should be thankful to have a family who is there for me, but nothing makes me happy lately. I lack energy, enthusiasm, and drive to do things for me. I feel like a zombie...I am hoping to find in your struggles and triumphs a way to overcome and control my own struggles.
Thank you for listening and for your presence in this forum.