Loneliness : My anxiety and depression has... - Anxiety Support

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My anxiety and depression has caused so much constant rejection and lonliness in my life. Sometimes I think and ask God why am I even here.

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23 Replies
TheResilientOne profile image


this is a great resource for you to looking in the right direction. You are here for a reason and anxiety is a natural instinct for humans! We just got a more alert amygdala, in which you can train to understand during times of panic you don't have to panic. It takes time , patience and effort! I hope this helps

in reply to TheResilientOne

Thank you so much for your advice

Beevee profile image
Beevee in reply to

Any publication that advocates acceptance to recover from anxiety is well worth a read. This includes the anxiety coach. Acceptance works. Fighting doesn't.

Jeff1943 profile image

vsal84, I think some people are more inclined towards anxiety because of their genetic make-up but no matter how long you have suffered you can recover with good advice that has proved effective for thousands of people over many years.

The line between anxiety and depression is blurred but many people become depressed because of their anxiety, that's understandable, but it's secondary depression and will pass when the anxiety yields.

You say you ask God why you're here. The answer is - that's the reason you're here, to face hardship and difficulties and by your actions in coping and overcoming them you evolve into a better human being. That which does not destroy us makes us stronger and God does not send us any problems without giving us the inner strength and wisdom to overcome them though it may not seem like it when we're going through the mill of anxiety disorder and panic attacks!

If you're feeling low a lot of the time then of course it's not so easy to make friends and some people may reject you, that says more about their character than yours but always remember there are a lot more fish in thesea.

if you've been suffering from anxiety and depression for many years then it's time to take control of your life through a better understanding of how anxiety works and how people can recover and feel normal, dare I say happy, once more.

I can only tell you what worked for me many years ago when anxiety first visited me. I found the solution in a short book written for people with tired minds by a doctor who herself experienced anxiety disorder as a young woman and devised a method to free herself from it. She then wrote it down, not for profit or self glory, but because she wanted to free others from this debilitating illness. Maybe you have guessed that I'm talking about Claire Weekes and her first book 'Self help with your nerves' still available on Amazon for a few pounds. Maybe you have already read that book in which case I would say read it again and practice harder. If you haven't read it then I commend it to you. It will immediately bring you reassurance and end bewilderment and then sets out her four imperitives for recovery: Face, Accept, Float and Let Time Pass. And the greatest of these is Acceptance because if we can frame our minds to accept all the symptoms our oversensitised nervous system can throw at us with less and less fear we will surely recover as many thousands have. Because the anxiety condition thrives and feeds on fear.

If it's possible for one book to change your life this is that book. You will soon recognise yourself in its pages. Whatever you decide vsal84, I wish you God's speed on your journey of recovery.

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to Jeff1943

Btw, in the U.S. the same book is titled 'Hope and help with your nerves' by Claire Weeks also available on Amazon for a few dollars.

Mr Jeff1943, I can't thank you enough for your wonder advice. It is very much needed right now I am struggling bad again. Sometimes I don't know which one is worse the anxiety or the major depression, aslong as Ivve been alive and can remember they both have been. I do know its genetics and inherited. Some days like this feel like agony some are a little bit easier but I do get tired and thats when I wonder am I just here to suffer my entire life. Your advice is very much appreciated :) Take care Mr Jeff

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to

Vsal84, if the bad feelings are overwhelming there should be no feelings of failure in asking for medications to help to be used alongside the reading therapy already mentioned. I know some people reject meds but as we're living in the 21st century there's no reason not to take advantage of advances in pharmaceutical science. One med that helped me a lot was amitriptyline, a tricyclic antidepressant that also works on anxiety, it has been around since the 1960s so is a known quantity and wenr out of fashion when Prozac became all the rage but is now back in favour as there are less side effects compared to the more recent meds. Maybe worth asking your doctor about.

in reply to Jeff1943

Mr Jeff1943 I have tried every antidepressant and anxiety med under the sun. I put myself on meds at the age of 18 because my parents dont believe in depression or anxiety but Im sure I got it from my fathers side maybe even my mother they have issues and are ignorant and dont except modern disorders. I have been on Celexa since 22 I am 33 now its been the only med that has somewhat helped but i still suffer. I used to take Lorazapam for anxiety only thing that has helped it and my psychiatrist or family doctor dont want to prescribe it anymore because they both say it is too addicting. So Im scared to try anything else because I get worse on something new.

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to

Lorazapam is I believe very similar to valium also known as diazepam, it works like a magic bullet but you can't use it long term because it becomes less and less effective and you startto experience bad withdrawal symptoms if you've been using it daily for a long time. But I still reckon it's unbeatable for taking occasionally if you're feeling particularly anxious or down but you should never take it more than two days running. The trick is to convince your doctor that you are a 'responsible' person who knows the dangers of lorazapam but would like a small prescription to use on an occasional basis.

You've no doubt heard of Mahatma Ghandi who led India to independence after WW2, every day he started his breakfast with a bowl of porridge made from the root of the rawalwulfa plant. It was from this plant that two Swiss scientists isolated compounds that the first valium was made from after they synthasised it. So Ghandi who was well knowm for his peaceful nature was in fact, well, high on valium most of his life☺

MianKaia profile image
MianKaia in reply to

I have been going to my. Psychiatrist for over 30 yrs. I'm on Paxil 30mg n

Xanex 2 mg n I Take as needed for anxiety.

I just go to him for medication that he prescribes for me. After 30 yrs , I'm still depressed only because of my daughter

Dis-owing me , 30 yrs Ago !





1 pill a MONTH!!!

in reply to MianKaia

21 yrs later Im still depressed and full of anxiety. My sister said to ask for Xanax but I dont want to get addicted if it really helps me.

MianKaia profile image
MianKaia in reply to

You Have To Control Your pills ! Take as needed n as ur dr. Prescribes ! I have been on Xanax for over

5 yrs n I am glad I Have it for when I'm feeling Anxious n I know a panic attack is

Coming! I take a 2 mg

Like 2 times a month!!

in reply to MianKaia

Thank you for your response.

chrisb63 profile image
chrisb63 in reply to

Hi vsal84, there are very successful ways and means of controlling and eradicating anxiety/depression if it has a biochemical cause.

To take what is known as Holy Basil the queen of herbs. It is currently helping me a lot and I'm sure it will help you too.


in reply to chrisb63

Thank you so much chrisb63, I'm so eager to try it now. I'm struggling at this moment again so thank you for your much needed advice :)

in reply to Jeff1943

I am going to make an appt and ask for that one because if it has low side effects thats wonderful. I cant deal with the side effects of new meds...I have tried them all.

I just wish I had a potential life partner who wouldn't give up on me and see past my disorders. I also wish there was a cure for these kind of disorders the invisible unseen ones, ya'll know?

Beevee profile image
Beevee in reply to

The cure for any anxiety based disorder lies within the pages of the books published by Dr Claire Weekes as Jeff has mentioned. There is also a website called Anxiety No More created by an ex-sufferer (Paul David) which also advocates acceptance as the way to recover. Visit the blog which contains lots of helpful posts from those who have recovered through acceptance of the symptoms of anxiety naturally and those who are on the road to recovery. These are the only two things I needed to help me to recover. Once you understand how anxiety manifests itself and that the symptoms, although uncomfortable, are completely harmless, you are on the road to recovery. You will learn that fighting the symptoms just keeps people stuck on the anxiety treadmill and that allowing yourself to think and feel anything without resistance will eventually lead to recovery. It's about being ok about not feeling ok and carrying on with your life and not letting anxiety dictate matters. It's about Feeling the fear and doing it anyway, to use the title of another book.

in reply to Beevee

Thank you Beevee on my way to Amazon online to buy this book you and Mr Jeff speam of. Thank yall so much for leading me down the right path.

Beevee profile image
Beevee in reply to

Your mind and body is waiting to recover. You just need to learn to give up the fight which will allow the natural healing process to begin and for feelings of normality to return. The great thing is, once you know how to recover the right way, you will always carry that knowledge with you and will not fear the return of any symptoms. You see, fear is the root cause so once you lose respect for the symptoms and your fear fades through knowledge and experience, you are unlikely to reach the depths of despair previously experienced because fear will not be in the driving seat. In fact, the symptoms that cause you so much concern now won't even be there when you recover and all the more reason why you should not be too impressed by them. Give up trying to suppress, avoid or doing anything to try and rid yourself of anxiety. It is the "trying" that keeps anxiety alive and kicking.

I came across the following quote in a book written by Paul David (At Last A Life) about his journey to recovery and sums it up perfectly.

"You won't get better until you stop trying to get better."

He has since published a second book which may be better than the first but I didn't need it 😎 Details can be found on his website.

Take care

in reply to Beevee

Oh Lord Bevee you are so correct my body and mind are so tired of being tormented by worry and fear its needs healing and recovery badly. Just like that book title said "At last a life" I always say that to myself...when am going to finally live life. Im afraid to die but afraid to love too. As I get older my anxiety is getting much worse and I actually had thought it would have been the reverse...but unfortunately it has not. Your advice is so helpful...I am very greatful for it. I woukd like anyone with info or advice with these disorders to post or please message me. This helps me so immensely.

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to Beevee

Well said, Beevee, you really know your stuff, you are a great teacher.

Both of you know ya'lls stuff and can help so many like me. ☺

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