Do anyone avoid medical things on tv?
Do anyone avoid medical things... - Anxiety Support
Do anyone avoid medical things...
I have started to avoid tv period. Sames like everyone is having a heart attack and am constanly scared. I have constant chest and back pain so I stopped watching TV. Medical shows makes me diagnosis myself with stupid things and it makes my anxiety worst. I've avoided searching symptoms online because that freaks me out as well. Doctor says i have anxiety so am trying to stick with that. I've had 4 ecgs within the past month and all my blood works came back fine. TV and the internet only makes it worst.
Hi James, I happen to watch medical and 911 shows on tv. But it's not for everyone. I would say watch what you feel comfortable with and do not google. The internet can have the same negative results as tv can. We need to pick and choose.
yea thats what i do i just can't watch uncomfortable things like i can't watch scary movies anymore
I mean i might have a lil bump here in there but it hasn't been as crazy as it was then
im happy it left me but i still experiences shortness of breath here and there but yea
Yea u right
i do and when i see commercials they always seem to be heart related then my mind wonders lol feel like a crazy woman