Do any of you do anything that really chills you out?
Ive been looking for everything and anything to do that distracts me or calms me down, I would love to hear what you guys do
Do any of you do anything that really chills you out?
Ive been looking for everything and anything to do that distracts me or calms me down, I would love to hear what you guys do
I like to listen to music, clean (really hate doing that though), play on the wii, just about anything that will get me moving and my mind in a different direction. I often realize that if I am busy doing something, I do a lot less thinking of anxiety or what symptom is going to pop up next.
I used to clean alot, I actually became sort of obsessed with it lol, Now I find it actually triggers a panic attack for no reason,
I also used to play games, specifically overwatch and again I find it triggers me now..
I find myself watching endless mind numbing youtube videos to hopefully bore myself to sleep haha!
Do you suffer with health anxiety?
yes but not an actual diagnose from my actual doctor. I had seen a different doctor while he was out, but I go Monday to talk with my actual doctor.
Do you have any dogs that you could take a walk or play with (weather here is cold so it may not be an option for you if it's cold there too)
have you tried the coloring books for adults? or maybe cards?
I have tried coloring books yes, I think that is a great idea, I think I might give them a go tonight
To be honest, coming on here helps massively and talking to others with the same issues is ever so comforting
I have a lazy fat cat!
Although petting him is very relaxing
Health anxiety is a completely nightmare and if your mind is constantly searching for the answer to every pain'/twinge you feel in your body, then its pretty 100% that you have health anxiety.
Honestly if I'm in the middle of freaking out nothing helps except putting on a binaural beats video on YouTube (search binaural beats anxiety and you'll find a bunch). I'll play one of those plus a rainforest sounds or ocean sounds one at the same time. I don't know how it works but it definitely helps me kind of just let the anxiety happen and that makes it go away faster. As far as anxiety prevention light exercise helps me. It can't be too intense though or I'll start worrying I'm going to have a heart attack or it sounds ridiculous but this is how I think unfortunately.
You have some good coping mechanisms, I am very similar, excersise helps a lot but it is such a challenge for me to leave the house! Once I do and complete the excersise I always feel a lot better, although lately with my stomach being the way it is and my lack of food, I have no energy so I struggle a lot, as for YouTube, thank god for YouTube, it has helped me through so many panic attacks
I feel the same way about leaving the house! It's so hard. I recently was given an elliptical/bike combo by my fiance's coworker so I've been getting on it once a day. I still feel anxious on it but it's better since I don't have to go to the gym/exercise in front of other people/fight a panic attack while outside my apartment. It's also really helping me to come on here and see how many other people have similar fears. I wouldn't wish anxiety on anyone but it's reassuring to not be alone.
Hey ~ you're going to think this is daft but... I have used jigsaws to chill down yes 1000 pieces of cardboard scattered on the table top needing sorting , find the edges know the rest ... simple dead simple... give it a go.. it just stops over thinking for a while ... then relax ... no coffee
best wishes
That's not daft! I would try anything! Me and my ex partner tried this one night and I ended up getting so overwhelmed and frustrated that I could not find the peices that I got really upset and asked him to put it away. I'm going to try it again though, the thought of it sounds so relaxing
Knitting is good, but i worry that my anxious energy is transfered into my creations lol
Buy a guitar and learn how to play
That will distract you
You be okay love do you feel crap on mornings x
Yeah I feel horrendous in the morning, very very sick to my stomach and pain all over How are you pet? x
Same just zero energy love ❤️
Me neither, I got up to give my eldest some breakfast and got back into bed.
Aw bless u a wish I could do that do u fall asleep 😴
never, my son normally goes on his playstation so i basically just lay here and listen to everything he says to his mates lol
Awwwwww how sweet ye same as mine x
Try card-making, join a class, knitting sewing, making dolls,teddies, babies toys, bag-making, knitting scarves/gloves etc. Card-making started me down the road to recovery,and since I have never looked back....I do all of the above and more. I've been asked to start my own class, but I'm not quite there yet. ........Maybe one day!!!!! Good luck!
For me it's small craft projects! I've found that I tend to end up abandoning any big projects, but the smaller ones give me an alternative focus for a bit and a sense of achievement. At the moment I quite like the little counted cross-stitch kits- the designs are maybe just over an inch square, they cost £1.50-£2 each, and because they only take a few hours I'm unlikely to get bored with them- and they can be mounted in card to use as birthday cards, etc. for family and friends! I also went through a sock monkey phase, which was helpful when I wanted to be a bit more creative.
I try to read or listen to music, but sometimes I can't focus, my brain is too busy!
I like listening to audio books. It may sound odd, but I often buy ones I've already read, so I can listen to the story and it doesn't matter if I miss a bit. So I don't drive myself crazy trying to concentrate and get more irritated!
It often helps me sleep when I am overthinking, or at least to calm/distract my brain.
Yoga, meditation, reading good books, listening to calming music with my IPod, walking, looking at the good in my life and writing them down each morning - helps to practice gratefulness -. I have a friend who writes 5 things she is thankful for every day. Watching nature and the beauty around me. Trying to enjoy each moment. Pushing away the negative thoughts and replacing them with good ones. Doing some form of exercise that you like. Getting together with good friends. Hosting a lunch or dinner from time to time. Finding volunteer work that you like which will allow you to also be with like-minded people. Helping others ends up being healing for us. Forcing yourself to smile when you do not want to, this will lift your mood. Going to the movies. Having a massage. This seems counter intuitive but visiting someone who is lonely. Trying to bring joy around you. I hope you find your purpose and That you feel better soon.
You sound like you might benefit from GABA lozenges or l-ditke tryptophan to help you relax a bit.
I would also look into magnesium calming cream. Works quick too.