Anyone here on a beta blocker? The cardiologist prescribed metoprolol for my palpitations but I'm afraid to take it since I have a normal bp and my hr is pretty normal unless I'm having a panic attack. I'm scared it will lower them too much!
Beta blockers : Anyone here on a beta... - Anxiety Support
Beta blockers
Hi Hdelmari, I have been on Metoprolol for the last 6 years. It has been an excellent med for me. When I was on Propranolol it tended to bring my blood pressure low. Everyone reacts differently., Go by what your doctor suggested for you. I wish you well.
Thank you, I just called his office to see what he says and if he feels confortable having me on it then I'll give it a try. Do you take it for high bp or just for the anxiety?
Bananas are a natural Beta blocker.
Look it up on the internet for more information
I take that beta blocker 25 mg for palpitations too been on it for a month I am very afraid to take medication I normally don't take what dr's prescribe because of fear of side effects but this pill has made me feel better in the last month than I have in many many years I have no side effects from it only it doesn't make me aware of my beating heart and I feel much calmer my Dr knows I'm afraid of meds so she said to take half and see how I feel and then when confortable take the whole pill I never did that I took the whole pill from day 1 and have only noticed that I don't have as much anxiety anymore and that's it I wish someone would have prescribed this to me years ago
Andrea1915, I agree with you that Metoprolol has been a wonderful drug with no side effects as well as eliminating the pounding and skipping heart beats.
This is reassuring. I'm Always terrified to take meds too. Did it lower you bp or hr? Mine are pretty normal so I don't want them to get too low

Is it only 25mg? It won't lower your heart rate or bp that much not something you should worry about w a low dose it just keeps the adrenaline out of your body so you don't get anxiety and palps i dont think yo should be worried about anything if a Dr prescribed it then I would trust them they know what your pulse and bp is they wouldn't give you something that could harm you
25mg twice a day so a total of 50
Maybe take 1 a day and see how you feel but I don't think You should be concerned about taking the pill I think you will find it helps you
Thank you, I was thinking of staying with just the 25 at first to see how I feel on it. I really hope it helps

Hdelmari, that's all I've been on is the 25mg.
That's good to know hat it works for you at such a small dose! I called the dr today and hopefully he says I can do just the 25mg. What time of the day do you take it?

First thing in the morning around 7am.
P.S. It helps calm morning anxiety
thanks for all the info! Do you take it with a meal?

Actually I take it while in bed, with water only Then I usually listen to my relaxation tape and dose off for an hour or so.
Interesting, my instructions were to take with a meal

Yes, it says that on my bottle too. At first I was setting the alarm for 5am, taking my pill with a yogurt or some crackers. The startle of the alarm was making me more anxious. One day I decided to just take it when I first woke up w/o having to eat while in bed. I've had no ill effects from it.
But you are right, it does say take with food.
I started taking Metoprolol Tartrate 25 mg twice a day.
I used to have occasional anxiety and heart beat irregularities .
Then a doctor at emergency room gave me a prescription,
and they work fine, no more problems at all.
The tartrate makes it like extended relief.
So I take one in morning and one at night.
Good luck my friend
PS: I also take another bp med with the Metoprolol
Thank you! I will start them tomorrow and and really hoping they work for me.