I’m really suffering from a vicious cycle of anxiety at the moment, triggered off a couple of months ago (have had anxiety for years but this is a big flare up).
It’s flared up my IBS symptoms and I then get in a cycle of anxiety, symptoms, more anxiety, symptoms - you get the picture!
Anyhow, no matter how well I’m eating, how much exercise I’m getting and how much rest/sleep, having telephone CBT etc I’m still full of anxiety and feel tense EVERYWHERE!
My mum has been on propranolol for her anxiety and although she still worries loads, I have noticed that she seems much more physically relaxed.
Seeing that my main issue is health anxiety and the more physical symptoms I get the more anxious I am, I am wondering if some kind of beta blocker would help (I can handle worry just hate physical symptoms)
I’m petrified at the thought of taking any meds but am getting to the point where I need to take back some control.
Does anyone have any experience of beta blockers, effectiveness, side effects etc?
Would really appreciate some advice as am in a right ole tizzy recently 🙄