As a suffer of anxiety, I sometimes not only worry about my health, but the absolute pace of life and how utterly short it really is... I look at photos of my kids as toddlers and wonder where did it go .. They are now well in their teens ... Sometimes it doesn't feel that long ago that I was carefree, young and happy... In the blink of an eye it's gone ... They are grown up, I'm old ... It's not too late to beat anxiety... It won't beat me, I'll not let it ... I want to live , normally, I don't want to worry, I don't want age and life to frighten me ... I want to look back...I want to have lived a quality life !!! Anyone else get where I'm coming from?
Meaning of life?: As a suffer of anxiety, I... - Anxiety Support
Meaning of life?

Every person I know says the same thing about their kids, "where has the time gone",
If you think life is short (its actually the longest thing you will ever do) then try to fill it with everything you want to do, keep yourself busy and the anxiety wont have time to kick in.
I think we all have moments like this where we remember being young and carefree.
All I am going to say is, you really have to be careful how you perceive life. Because you are literally creating your very own reality. Time and age does not exist. We are not defined by numbers. Nothing is impossible And life is as long or as short as we make it. It's our choice. Understand that you are your own creator and make positive changes from there. You may be surprised at what happens 💕 Have a nice weekend 😊
The meaning of life is to evolve into a higher form and we can only do this through struggle against all the trouble and strife we have to face and overcome. Anxiety disorder is one of these tests. That is why there will always be problems in the world and in our l7ves. Not for ever by still waters. This is why there will never be universal peace and tranquility in this vale of tears. At the end of our lives we should end up wiser and stronger than when we started out. And so the process is repeated again and again. As indeed it has before.
I feel like this all the time. It's hard to believe how fast time has gone by. I remember when I was young, now all my children have grown. I wonder where the time went!
These reflections of life in maturity can be toxic. You need to find positives
I so get what you are saying!! It feels like yesterday I was 25 and carefree and now divorced with 3 kids it seems and I became 44 overnight. I have a great job and a loving boyfriend and the kids are happy but my health anxiety is horrible. I worry about every little pain, bump or twitch. I need to learn to enjoy life again!