So I've been anxious lately so I had a tea today after like 3 - 4 hours I started feeling so nauseous with stomach pain and I went to the restroom to shower and my legs got so weak I felt so sick and came to lay down heart was racing I was shaking . Was it a anxiety attack ,. Help feel super bad .
Help please please : So I've been anxious... - Anxiety Support
Help please please
Hi LuzB, it does sound like an anxiety attack due to feeling queasy and stomach pain. I know how bad you must feel right now but try to get a hold of yourself. You are not in danger, the anxiety will pass. Start by sitting in a comfortable chair, if you are chilled put a blanket on your lap. Close your eyes and start deep breathing slowly. You need to slow down your thoughts and your adrenaline. Deep breathing will help you do that. Slow deliberate deep breathes in, then hold for a few seconds and let out slowly pursing your lips and thinking the word relaxxxx. Where are you at in how you are feeling now??
I'm still feeling so ill shaky scared I'm thinking the worst I'm laying down but I get calmed for a little then I get all sick is this really anxiety
What kind of tea did you drink? An herbal ?
Yes herbal tea
Herbal tea bought in a grocery store shouldn't make you ill. Tea should be soothing to the stomach although there is tannic acid in tea but that was over 3 hours ago. Could it be caused by something you ate instead?
When you say you get sick again, do you vomit?
No just feel so nauseous
Sounds like the nauseous feeling might be coming from something you might have eaten that disagreed with you. Could it be your menses?
So the Mexican tea doesn't sound like something that would be bought in a grocery store. If you feel ill enough, are you able to give a call to your doctor? I also know that even herbal teas can go against the medicines we are on. I personally cannot drink Green Tea or Chamomile because of that.
LuzB, how are you doing dear. I'm about to get off the forum for the night but want to be sure you are okay before I do. Please let me know....
I'm still feeling sick when in the shower legs ar shaky my stomach feels so upset and I'm so nauseous but I did force my self to drink most of the tea
I don't know what to say since I don't know what is in that tea. I still believe the feeling in the shower was anxiety over the nausea and stomach pain. It doesn't take long when we feel different for our anxiety to kick in. If this continues, I would give the doctor a call to see what prompted the pain and nausea and what you should do to calm down that feeling. Good Luck