I hate this faint lightheaded feeling I've had for a month now. Never goes away
And just gets worse and worse until I get a full panic attack :(.
Any one experienced this?
I hate this faint lightheaded feeling I've had for a month now. Never goes away
And just gets worse and worse until I get a full panic attack :(.
Any one experienced this?
Yes all the time . Some days it's slight and other days it's real bad . It's just there , and depending what type of room I'm in it gets real bad and just can't focus as my eyes feel out of whack .
Yes I've tried this but I've noticed especially in sunlight and fluorescent lights. It gets so bad. That then I get a panic attack.
Nothing haan helped but ativan
Hi what's wrong with green tea ??
Have u had a fall or an accident recently
I get this sometimes. Drink lots of water
Sam001 it's def anxiety . Cause I can have it for days and then take a xanax and it goes . It sux .
Yessssss god he hate it it's all day everyday and gets worse with stress this is the symptom that I find hard to deal with it's scary not to metion my vision is in and out like I have good vision one minture the next it's blurry I get the falling sensation too even when sitting it sucks
I've been dealing off and on for four years honestly chamomile tea and low dose of xanax helps a lot, how long have you been having this going on?
I’ve been like this for a month also it’s keeping me from doing anything it’s so scary!! Are your meds helping