Has anybody experience feel weak and tired getting up to go bathroom? Feeling like u gonna fall down, and the being really tired sitting down and heart racing feeling like u can't catch ur breath..
Weak: Has anybody experience feel weak and... - Anxiety Support

Yes I was like that when I had severe nutritional deficiencies in b12, magnesium and coenzyme q10 etc. I got a functional Dr to help me. The serum tests aren't great for reliability. You can get the b12 test on the NHS but the pernicious anaemia society don't like your level to be below 500. The NHS test will pass you at around 200 I think. Sometimes less! The magnesium red blood cells test is a bit more accurate than the serum but generally you have to pay privately for that. I paid privately for coenzyme q10 too. Treatment has helped my physical health problems and as a consequence my anxiety. I found magnesium particularly useful for pain and anxiety. I still have a long way to go. I'm trying to heal neuropathy. It's helping and I'm pleased but nothing works over night. I follow a strict healthy diet too. The book by Dr Datis kharrazian; why isn't my brain working may help you. He talks about the brain needing nutritional support, what type and how the gut and brain are connected. I hope this info is useful. Functional Dr's and wellness coaches etc can help with dosages and management. Good luck!

Ok thanks. What's a nhs? And would i have to talk my family doctor about this? Cause im always waking up stiff
The NHS is the national health service. It's in the UK. Are you in America? I would talk to a functional Dr that is different from a conventional Dr. Although conventional doctors can run a b12 test for you. Functional Dr's are well trained in nutritional deficiencies.
Yes im in America
Your lucky. There are a lot of functional Dr's there! Hardly any in the UK.

Yea but some don't know what there doin at times
Really? Have you tried them before? They have helped me the most. I was getting sicker and sicker on conventional drugs.I'm off all pharma drugs now. I have a few friends doing well under their care too. One went from being bedbound for years to returning back to work part time.

Sorry What is a functional dr?
They focus on trying to heal the body with vitamins and minerals. They try and heal the gut too. It's totally different to conventional medicine. I better go because it aggravates the nerve pain in my hands if I type too much. It's improving but not gone yet. I hope that this information has helped you.

Thank u
Yup and I have nausea and Disiness with it sometimes
It freaks me out but later I realize it's probably from being (hungry,hot,tired,) or something a little less serious
I hope you feel better