I was just wondering can sleep paralysis make ur anxiety go up a lil if u had it for the first time bc i think i experienced it like a week ago and ive just been feeling impending doom since then but its been going down a lil. But i wasn't feeling like this since I had it?.
Impending doom since sleep paralysis i think? - Anxiety Support
Impending doom since sleep paralysis i think?

Its not the sleep paralysis thats causing this "impending doom" its anxiety sleep paralysis is a malfunction in our sleep that makes us awake during our dreams but cant move now it only happens for 10 seconds and then your good to go but it can cause someone to panic about going to sleep the impending doom feeling is just a side effect of anxiety disorder its not the end of the world its not the end of your life the paralysis cant kill you the dream is a dream but dont worry just google more on sleep paralysis and understand why it happens and how it happens just as you would google on anything you wanna learn more about
Sleep paralysis triggers and is triggered by my anxiety and depression. I hate it so much. I've had to deal with it since I was like 11 years old; thankfully, ever since I've been taking my antidepressants, I haven't had nightmares or sleep paralysis as much. My point is, for someone who just had it for the first time, it is for sure a horrible and scary feeling that can probably trigger your anxiety for a bit and probably cause some anxiety before bed (because of the idea of "I don't want to have that dream again"), but I can promise you that "impending doom" is not in the cards after a nightmare.
Other ways my sleep paralysis can be triggered: Sleeping on my back, staying up too late/not getting enough sleep, stressing too much over something before bed (like a homework assignment), or just being overly stressed. Try to avoid these, even though I know life happens and that's ok too.
Hope you've been doing better.
Thank u and im feeling a lil better😊😀