I do not know what to do when i feel anxious, i feel anxious about a lot of stuff, even thinking about yhe future makes me feel so anxioud because it makes me realize how stuff changes and everything will be different and i do mot know where i'll br and even thinking about where i might be or hopes and dreams it makes me feel pointless, i mean whats the point if one day we all die?? Im kinda tired of feeling like this and i have test, very very very very important tests coming up in 12 days and i havent opened one book...i droppef out last year because i failed and then didn't continue but i came back this year and im just... i do not, i hope i make sense. I just need help. Because im worrying about everything because if my anxiety and doing nothing at all because of depression. Note: i didnt see a doctor to know but i just do know i have them and the reason is my father passed away couple of years ago and i was 14, i was in a new school and i was very close to him, i lost many friends due to moving to different schools and many stuff that were so much pressure to me and i kept it all in. I came here because if i talk to anyone they give me "the talk" about how its life and i should let it go and move on and how my father would want me to be happy, i know all that crap but it truly doesnt make me go like "oh thanks im healed now i can finish 9 subjects in a night and eat healthy and take care of myself and sleep right and noy skip meals some days or over eat other days thank you so much" so i came here because i know and im hoping someone has the answer. I also used to believe in god, i mean i love him now i still believe and i truly do not wanna "not believe" so due to how i feel its making me not believe and i hate it i hate it because i do believe and i truly love him. And if someone doesnt believe i mean i respect your opinion but...i do not know, its just..everything is too much haha
Anxiety : I do not know what to do when i... - Anxiety Support

Have you ever tried Hypnosis ? The self hypnosis relaxation cd's can help sometimes. There are quite a lot for relaxation. Self confidence . Anxiety ' stress etc. I find they can help me feel calmer sometimes. Its just an effort to make time to listen to them. Amazon have quite a few, some are better than others. Would be better if you can afford to have it privately but will be expensive. Good luck I know what its like.
You actually reminded me of how i am. Im so worried about not enjoying life that i dont enjoy it because im spending time worrying about what i will be doing weeks down the line and how im going to feel.. It actually sounds bit nuts as i write this lol.. but my brain goes in to overdrive to point of crying with anxiety and frustration ... when ive got really bad i have felt myself saying whats point in suffering when in end we die anyway. But on my good days i love life and feel so much to live for and i dont want to loose it
ME TOO!! And lately i have been having a mix of both. Because i do not know but i feel like there is a melted feeling that i just wanna live to feel forever as i write this i feel it and it takes me back to years aho like 2009 or whatever this feeling that was in the air it just felt like something is full of hope and peace and loce and that anything is possible and that i do not know really but it feels warm and has a slight wonderful breeze that just feels like the world is hugging me and life is going down good and nothing bad happens even tho i knownit does and i really wanna love forever with this feeling. Its like im living in a tv dhow or a movie and its nice