My anxiety so bad it feel I have cancer, making me feel like I'm crazy... And I had my son 10 months ago and sometimes I feel like a bad mother cause of my health anxiety.
My Health Anxiety : My anxiety so bad it... - Anxiety Support
My Health Anxiety
I feel you. I never had anxiety until I became a mom.. never even knew what anxiety felt like. I always think that something's wrong with me. I'm also super cautious about everything I do. It's crazy. Every weird symptom makes me anxious about my health & honestly it's to the point of obsession. I think it's just because I wanna be around for my kids. It sucks that we have to deal with this. Praying for us!
The very fact that you are worrying that you are a bad mother proves that you are not......I had three kids close's not easy being a mum and 10 month old need a LOT of attention...stop beating yourself up....get as much rest as you can, and have a word with a WOMAN GP or your baby clinic could have post-natal's NoT A CRIME.....nothing to be ashamed to your friends about to us...we are here to help each other...and enjoy baby, they soon grow up....
What makes you feel you have cancer ?
That's anxiety, I have health anxiety too thinking any symptom I have is a type of sickness of disease but going to the dr and him reminding me I'm perfectly healthy and it's all in my head has helped me and I don't have panic attacks anymore