I am suffering with heart palpitations I have a fear off leaving house my family says go to doctor but I have a fear of the GP I'm stuck in a puddle I live everyday with my heart palpitations and feeeking shaky I wish I could be normal but it's who I am I wait for the cure I don't take meds or anything!
Fear: I am suffering with heart palpitations... - Anxiety Support
Hi annaj2249, It sounds like you have Agoraphobia as well as Health Anxiety. Unfortunately, wishing isn't going to take away the heart palps. Right now you are stuck and will have to make a decision in how you will get some help for yourself. It doesn't come easy but in order to get some relief you are going to have to take that first step. Good Luck Anna
Thank you I booked an appointment for the doctor which is 4th off January I'm already stressing over it but I know I have to go I can't keep feeling like this but I think will they think I'm a crazy person 🙈 I know I'm not and I'm feeding my anxiety again but I've booked so many app and haven't went cuz I have the doctor fear but this time I'm gonna def go I wanna thank you for your reply xx
annaj2249, palpitations are a very common symptom of general anxiety disorder and will not damage your heart but it is important to get your GP to check the palpitations to reassure you so despite your fear do go and see your GP, you may well find him/her a good ally in recovering your health.
You also suffer from agrophobia, the fear of going out and of open spaces. Many others who suffer from anxiety will agree with me that you will find immediate reassurance and eventual cure of your symptoms if you follow the advice of Claire Weekes in her book called 'Self help with your nerves' in the UK and 'Hope and help with your nerves' in the US. It was written many years ago by the late Doctor Weekes who specialised in anxiety conditions and has helped hundreds of thousands of people to understand their symptoms and reclaim their health and well being. The book is available through Amazon either new or second hand.
You will soon recognise yourself and your symptoms in Claire Weekes' book and her method of desensitising your nervous system by Facing, Accepting, Floating and Letting time pass will eventually help you to regain your peace and tranquility of mind. Other than tranquillisers that give temporary relief there is no magic wand that will free you from anxiety and introspection - but given time this book will provide the remedy you are looking for, believe me.
Thank you I really appreciate ur reply i have a doc appointment for the 4th of January which I am dreading I feel like they will think I'm nuts that's if I even make it which I'm gonna give my all because I know I have to if I wanna feel better although what will they say will they look at me like 😱 I won't take a tab I won't even take a 🤕 tab for the fear off feeling strange!! Anyways I will update u all!! Thank you for your reply keep well cx
Listen Anna, your doctor meets all kinds of people with all kinds of problems, many of whom are in the same situation as you. Your doctor won't think of you as "nuts", that would be completely unprofessional of him/her. Believe me, tablets do have a part to play in recovery from nervous illness, they won't cure you like self-help methods do eventually, but they can give temporary relief when the pressure becomes unbearable and they don't make you feel strange, maybe a but sleepy but nothing more than that, they make you feel normal for a while. But as I say, you can't take tablets for ever, just to give you a short holiday from the suffering, so don't dismiss them out of hand. Hope your appointment goes well, I have a feeling you will be a lot happier after talking to your doctor than before.
I have diazapam for this horrid thing. Also paroxatine that helps with panic attacks. A lot of people think their highly addictive and they ARE but if thats what it takes to lead a semi normal life & makes me confident enough to leave the house then i dont care!!
Thanks for all your replys I'm also loosing hair as in 50p pence size baldy patch amu1 else get this I've been anxious all xmas awful that feeling like what's gonna happen heart palpitations am I gonna die sick off it 🙈
UPDATE I finally went to docs had a major panic attack was the worst feeling ever but hey I survived I didn't die I wasn't told I was gonna die and he gave me beat a blockers for my heart??? Any1 ever tried these? Going was the worst feeling ever but felt like a weight off me knowing I wasnot gonna die!!