Hi your probably all sick of hearing from me be now lol but earlier on today I dropped a lamp on my head and it didn't hurt at first but now it'd starting to hurt really bad and I've been googling and am scared if I fall asleep I could die whilst I'm asleep, any help would be appreciated. Thank you
Panicking again: Hi your probably all sick... - Anxiety Support
Panicking again

Hi Rik1233, How heavy a lamp? Do you have a lump? Did you put ice on the bump? Are you on Aspirin or Blood Thinners? Any other symptoms besides pain? It's usually advised to have someone watch you whenever there is a head trauma. Depending how you are feeling right now (since it was an hour ago that you posted) you can call your doctor and ask him if you should go to the ER. It could be a concussion. Let us know what you do?
Hi there's no one to watch me as my partners asleep, I've just phoned the helpline and they said to put ice on my head for 15-20 mins and that I shouldn't need hospital as it doesn't sound to serious but now I'm scared because of the things she said could happen :/
Yeah, it's always good to put ice immediately to reduce any swelling. But even now it will help with the pain and dissipate the swelling. I think it would be wise to listen to what the helpline advised you to do. I'm sure if they thought if it were serious they would have told you to go to the ER. Since it's been 6 hours already you should be okay. Do put the ice on for the 15-20 minutes like they said. I wouldn't take an Pain med tonight. You will be okay. Let us know how you are doing tomorrow...
Okay thank you I will trt to sleep now I'm just frightened that something baf will happen whilst in asleep and no one will be able to make sure I'm okay thats my greatest worry
I know your worried. Try to tell yourself you will be okay and you will. Let me know in the morning how you are doing. If it would make you feel better, put a note somewhere in the bathroom where your partner will see it when he wakes up. Tell him to check on you. It might give you some comfort so you can get some sleep tonight. Take care dear.