symptom after symptom....: Ok...I know we... - Anxiety Support

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symptom after symptom....

MrMike profile image
21 Replies

Ok...I know we all deal with the most random crazy symptoms due to anxiety ...but do any of you have symptoms that hang around for weeks or sometimes months and as soon as that symptom disappears another crazy symptom just shows up and takes its place for weeks or months as well? With me it's always one thing right after another. As an example...many months ago I had problems with my leg muscles feeling as if they were always about to cramp up...and sometimes they would cramp up. If I stretched in the morning I would have to stop half-stretch because my legs would start to cramp. This crampy feeling was a daily thing all day long for about a month and then one day it just stopped. I was fine for a day when all of a sudden i started having stomach issues. I had indigestion which was with me all day every day for several weeks. Then one day the constant belly aches faded away just like the leg cramping thing and I was fine for about two days when all of a sudden I started to deal with a constant dizziness/lightheaded sensation and head pressure..which is what I'm currently dealing with as I write this. I'm dizzy all day long now. As crazy as it may sound there are times I am convinced someone out there has cast some kind of crazy voodoo black magic evil on me and is sitting somewhere making me go through these awful symptoms one at a time day after day for weeks at a time with the intent of drive me bonkers. I also constantly wonder if maybe there is something other than the anxiety that can be causing me all these symptoms but then I think what could possibly cause such random symptoms that come and go like this? It's always one symptoms right after the other....and when they hit they are with me all day long. It's getting harder and harder to cope with this.

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MrMike profile image
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21 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi MrMike, It sounds like your mind is overactive and getting you to concentrate on every little symptom. Once you give your attention to it, it takes hold and is fed by your continued fear and concern. When it finally stops and there is this lull, your mind tunes into your bodily sensations and yet another symptom arises. You give it attention, it takes hold and you are in another cycle of health anxiety. You are going to have to break that cycle of concern over your health.

lerissa profile image
lerissa in reply toAgora1


MissJess33 profile image

I struggle from the same thing! It used to be random ice-pick headaches and shortness of breath, then it was heart attack symptoms or racing heart rate, and now it alternates between brain fog and migraines, flu-like symptoms, or nausea and bloating :( my parents think I'm a hypochondriac because th doctors can never diagnose me with anything! I get anxiety attacks all the time... usually I can meditate and get them to go away, but one was so severe it caused heart attack symptoms that did not fade after 30 minutes and landed me in the ER where the did tons of tests and told me I was fine and perfectly healthy :/ I felt stupid for going because I'm barely 25 and healthy so the odds of me having a cardiac event are incredibly low, but the shooting pain up my arm, chest tightness, light-headedness, and shortness of breath I felt were so terrifyingly real it was hard to tell if it was anxiety or something real that time 😞

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply toMissJess33

Hi MissJess33, I so understand. I remember those ice pick headaches as well as all the other random symptoms of anxiety. I also had a couple ER visits by ambulance. When all was said and done, I was put on medication and had intense therapy. Fast forwarding....I am now medication free, symptom free and moving forward. It was a learning experience that I feel made me a stronger person. At 25, you are correct in that the odds of having a cardiac event are low. Don't be embarrassed in reaching out for medical help when necessary. It's better safe than sorry. But also keep in mind that anxiety can play a big part of your symptoms which can cause you to feed into it. As you learn to meditate and let the symptoms not gain control, you will find that they are experienced less and less. In one ear and out the other kind of mentality. Wish you well dear.

i dont think these are anxiety symptoms.i have a lot of what you describe and have clearly visible symptoms such as swelling bruising etc which have been recognised/confirmed by other doctors but still get dismissed.EG bruising around eyes-wear make up!!not why it was there .

have you seen your gp re dizziness?i saw two doctors who refused to even acknowledge it and then the gp i have now did tests and prescribed meds which helped abdominal conditions were discovered by endoscopy after two years of refusal to investigate.

jacq13 profile image

Hello MrMike, yes I've been having alot of symptoms that are totally unexplained. I'm still not sure if it's the anxiety or exhaustion that causes them. Have now fractured my ankle and am forced to rest and live on painkillers. It's like a vicious circle as pain makes the anxiety worse. The only advise ii can offer is to try and keep yourself occupied/distracted, keep in touch with the Dr to let them know what's going on, talk to others who will understand like friends, family if you can and just try to relax. Listening to music, meditation, internet, reading, walking is good. Believe in your mind that you will get better, nothing lasts forever.

lerissa profile image
lerissa in reply tojacq13

I like that, thanks

Normal63 profile image

I feel you, I have your same symptoms 😩. I also as of right now I have head pressure and loopyness I hate it. It comes and go, but I always have some sort of symptom. But all the Dr ever say is that it's anxiety 😤.hope you feel better soon.

Lbk64 profile image
Lbk64 in reply toNormal63

Same here. It's the pits isn't it? I seem to go from one symptom after another also, no break, and at the moment, I have that feeling you described..dizziness, pressure, foggy thinking, forgetfulness, losing my words. *a few extra there I know..

I hate being like this.

Muscle cramps : have had them for 20 years. Anxious people deplete their body of the most vital nutrients much faster than others. Number one and two nutrients being : magnesium and potassium. Very important for muscle health including the heart. So the more anxious you get, the more you need to focus on a healthy diet that includes lots of magnesium, potassium. Digestive issue : number one on the list of anxious people : why? 90% of our neurotransmitters are processed in the gut, not the brain! So, if you are deficient, you will be anxious, if you get anxious, you will become deficient, vicious circle... So abdominal cramping, diarrhea, constipation, is the lot of anxious people. If it last for more than 3 months, mention it to your doctor. If you get really anxious about it, your doctor will send you for a colnoscopy to put your mind at ease.

Anxiety plays a game of tease with the brain and if you give it attention, it will exacerbate the symptoms. I know! I am like you. Right now, I have tingling in my feet for the past 7 months, body pains, I have awful headaches. I am having difficulties to process it all to being anxiety. Because we suffer anxiety, we believe it is something else.

What you can do : check online for free mindfulness meditation on breathing or anxiety.

Focus on a diet with little or no refined sugar, no caffeine, no chocolate, no soda, no fried food. Add plenty of filtered water, veggies, different kind of nuts (except peanuts), fruit, fish (wild caught), lean meat but no cured meat. Avoid pastries, of course. Add a probiotic, if you can't afford to buy one, add plain yogurt, sauerkraut (natural probiotic) to your diet.

If you have taken antibiotics in the past, it does damage the gut and anxious people can't afford that.

Exercise everyday, let it be by doing a short 20 minute brisk walk everyday.

Journal your symptom, your diet, your feelings, after a year or so, you will realize that you are still alive, and that nothing really bad has happened.

These technique does not get rid of your anxiety but helps you accept them.

I am the one to talk, I still struggle but I try to practice them.

Everyday, focus on what you feel grateful about : me : I have a caring loving husband, a good home and good friends. It also can be on little thing : today, I am looking forward to meet my friend to the restaurant.

Above everything, focus on the fact that deep down, you know you are healthy and talk back to your brain!

Take care

Filmer profile image

I've have a lot of the symptoms you have but I've got virtgo on top of my anxiety with don't help at all am all way dizzy/lightheaded and it make me panic a lot one of the other symptoms I get is numbness and pins needles in the top of my head it could be the first days on end the go but come back couple days later my gp just keep telling me that just tenchon in my head but I think it's something else I've started getting this floating feeling when I lay down and numbness feeling in my hall body it Frinton me all the time

C-K-J profile image
C-K-J in reply toFilmer

I've been feeling like I have vertigo! You can't really do anything to help that go away though can you? Just takes time ... it's probably not even vertigo though it's probably anxiety lol!

Dizzykitty profile image

Here's a question for you--before your leg cramping started, did you take any antibiotics for anything? That can cause all of that--I have all of it, and the symptoms cycle and keep coming sometimes for months after, especially if you took Cipro or Levaquin or Avelox (fluoroquinolones) I take a magnesium supplement (magnesium malate is good for muscles--take with a little food to avoid tummy things) 2ooo mgs of vitamin C, and I avoid NSAIDS like ibuprofen--I take a daily probiotic to help with digestion. The dizziness and head pressure are the worst symptoms for me, avoid painkillers and try an ice pack. If you did take an antibiotic (even months ago) let me know and I"ll give you some helpful tips. A lot of people have affects from antibiotics but don't connect the dots because the symptoms can be so strange and so delayed. It's important to know what to avoid for a while, in order to not make things. Ibuprofen is a big no-no for this. I wish you well and write if you like.

C-K-J profile image

Yes!! Have a different symptoms about every three weeks usually. I'm stuck on the same one as you now! Feels like vertigo.. dizzy and feel like I'm moving almost all the time. Gotta be anxiety though because like you said, it's a new thing after the other. Just gotta accept it as anxiety and go on with our lives no matter how we feel!

lerissa profile image

Feel the same as you.. worst I feel burning pain the the two crowns on my head..really irritating

MrMike profile image

thank you all for the replies. Knowing others share my struggle helps. To answer a few questions...I have not taken antibiotics in over 5 years. I don't take ibuprofen or tylenol unless I really need them...and when I do it's never more than two doses and the last time I did was month ago. The thing about these symptoms is that I've had them all before....for years...and it's always the same will hit me and stay with me for weeks and then just fade away from one day to the next only for something else to come along and take its place for another couple of weeks or months. When a particular symptom does go away it will usually stay away for months or more. That makes me wonder that if it is indeed something other than anxiety, what illness could possibly cause symptoms like these that have the same patterns when they hit...and for over so many years. For instance, I had these very same stomach issues last year and they lasted for weeks then went away...and they didn't come back again until a few months ago. It's the same with all the other symptoms. I do try to keep myself busy but the symptoms are so "there" most times that it is just so hard to concentrate on anything else. I always look for physical activities to do every day...whether its riding my bike or working on my lawn and trees etc. . I cannot go see a doctor because of my bad agoraphobia and plus I do not have a job nor do I have insurance. I haven't been to a doctor in over 15 years...that makes things even worse because I have no way of finding out if these symptoms are due to my anxiety or something more serious....and that wreaks havoc on my anxiety. So yes it really is a vicious cycle as someone mentioned. I have no money to pay for private insurance so I tried applying for aid but did not qualify. I also applied for disability to see if i could get enough to at least pay for insurance..but to qualify for disability I need to see a doctor...which I can't. ugh! I stopped bugging my family or friends about my issues since I'm pretty sure at this point they just think I'm crazy and that I exaggerate about my symptoms. I can't blame them for not understanding...but it is hard not having someone to talk to. I really don't mean to be so down about all of this since I'm usually a pretty positive person..but things have been so tough lately that i just needed to rant and hear from people that can understand what i'm going through. Thank you all again so much for your replies and for your suggestions.

jacq13 profile image

I wish I had an answer for all this MrMike, but unfortunately I don't think there is one. Is there any way you could speak to a doctor on the phone? Not sure where you live, I'm in England, my Dr rings me to help when I can't get out to see him. The only other possibility is that of a faith healer or someone who believes in God like a priest who might be able to see you.

MrMike profile image
MrMike in reply tojacq13

I live in California and I've talked to nurses that have all suggested the same thing...go see a doctor. There are actually doctors that will do house calls for a fee but they only come out for common things like flu or ear infections...where they can prescribe meds without you having to visit their office. It's about $250 for a visit. I can't afford it plus I get the feeling they will need lab work to see if there is anything other than anxiety causing these symptoms. Lab work can get very expensive. This is all very frustrating to me but all I can do is keep pushing forward with the hope that something will change for the better. In the mean time I will try the meditation and relaxation techniques you guys suggested. Thanks and I do hope your ankle gets better real soon.

jacq13 profile image
jacq13 in reply toMrMike

Thank you MrMike. Wishing you all the very best too x

Hatethis1990 profile image

Hi mate I feel the same I've felt weird and dizzy for ages now. I get constant headaches. Like you say as soon as one thing goes something else comes on, I'm sick of people telling me it's anxiety. I've only had an eye test and a fbc and the doctor says its stress and anxiety but how do they no unless they have a look at your brain I get all sorts of weird symptoms which all lead to anxiety but they also lead to a BT I hope you get better soon

MrMike profile image
MrMike in reply toHatethis1990

That is exactly what drives me crazy...the fact that these symptoms can hang around and cause so much angst in our lives for weeks or more and then just disappear from one day to the next only for some other crazy symptom to come along and take its place. I've been dealing with anxiety for over 25 years and have been able to push through all of these symptoms but sometimes I reach my breaking point and I feel so overwhelmed with it all. Right now I feel stuck with no real way out...but I'm trying to hang in there and it is so much help coming here and reading all the other stories so similar to mine. I hope you're doing good as well .

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