I have been suffering from anxiety for over a year now and it all started when I went on holiday and suffered from panick attacks ever since then i always feel anxious and it's stopping me from doing the simplest things I used to enjoy, I have no reason at all to feel this way
Always anxious : I have been suffering from... - Anxiety Support
Always anxious

Hi Emily
Please read my posts which will help you to understand why you feel like you do and what you need to do to recover.
Thankyou will give them a read now!
If you type Beevee in the search field, it should bring up everything. The way to recover from anxiety is to learn to be ok about not feeling ok whilst carrying on with your life. You cannot avoid anxiety, you cannot get rid of it, you cannot push it away , you cannot control it because these are the things that keep it hanging around. To recover, you have to do the opposite and give up trying to do anything about it. You have to invite it along for the ride and over time, it will become bored and leave so long as you don't do anything about the negative thoughts or feelings. Don't resist them. Just let it all wash over you. Be an observer to the thoughts and feelings but learn not to get involved. By not doing anything, you stop feeding your anxiety and it eventually dies. Takes a bit of practice but when you accept it all willingly without challenge, you are giving your mind and body the rest it needs to begin to recover.
Hope this helps
Best wishes
I think this makes sense . I find I wake up ina terrible state ,very anxious ,nauseous etc but now I accept what is happening and although I hate it I tell myself that it will pass and get up and get on with something even if it's morning TV . After a drink and a snack it usually passes . I am not happy but I don't feel so anxious . It's the anxiety feelings that I hate .
As I said, you don't have to like the thoughts and feelings,, you just have to be comfortable about not feeling comfortable. The anxiety was always bad for me first thing but I just kept on going to work and it faded in time. Recovery lies in you moving forward. Keep moving forward, keep on trucking and accept the lot of it.
I know what you say is right but the feelings are so intense at the time it's frightening . However as you say if I just accept them and get on they generally pass but it's like I dread waking up as I know how I am going to feel .
That will pass. It will get easier. You will glimpse reality in moments of clarity. If you exercise, you will know what I mean. I used to swim and ride my bike every day so that I could feel relaxed after work. I learned that when there was no excessive adrenalin pumping through my veins, I didn't have the anxious thoughts or feel tense and began to see it was all a bluff. The thoughts and feelings still came back every day and I often fell back into the trap in believing it all because it kept coming back. However, I persevered because I knew the anxiety couldn't harm me and that my mind and body would eventually heal by itself, as nature intended. I had more and more moments of clarity, lots of setbacks too, but I had seen through the lies which helped me accept it more than ever.
Now, I am not advocating anyone does lots of exercise because they think it will cure them. That is the wrong attitude. By all means exercise but cure comes from within, a change in attitude towards the anxiety, being ok about it, not thrashing yourself to an Olympuc standard every day!