Does anxiety always has to come with racing heart.. or could you just have the feeling of doom and racing thoughts feeling like you might go insane???
Anxiety : Does anxiety always has to come... - Anxiety Support

It can be a mix of everything and anything. . Racing heart with thoughts. But it's just in our brain.. we survive..let the thoughts and feelings come and go. Let them be.. and just notice them. Don't judge them and tell yourself so what. .this CAN NOT harm me.. it's just anxiety..
I was just getting racing thoughts and feeling irritated and like depressed.. but no racing heart this time so I was wondering if that was normal anxiety as well
There isn't really a normal anxiety. Each one of us experiences symptoms differently as well as alternatively. There are racing thoughts that are anxiety prone as well as racing thoughts that come from a depressed feeling. It does cause an irritation because we feel out of control. We cannot tolerate feeling this way and yet don't know what the answer is making us feel irritated. The racing thoughts of depression are normally those of negative connotation. Racing thoughts from anxiety are more excitable train of events the "what ifs" type.
My emotions are all over the place
Hi dear, Do you think that the medication is helping you at all or going against you. I would have thought that you would see some improvement then again it hasn't been 4-6 wks yet. You really need to tell the therapist how you are suffering with your emotions all over the place. Maybe just maybe you need an adjustment in your med. You are so sensitive to medications. Don't be afraid or a shame to call the doctor who prescribed your meds as often as you have to until you see some positive effects. I am so sorry you are really struggling right now. x
So remember I was doing baby dose first but I started the 20mg 11 days ago I don't know if that enough time to see improvements
The thing is you started on a low dose and then moved up to 10 and then 20mg. The thing is how much is actually in your system right now. Your doctor will be able to tell you if and when you reach efficacy level. It's not so much about how long you have been on it as it is the dose you are on to reach that milestone.
Hopefully I can get some answers Friday
I hope so. Try not to get discouraged. This is the hardest part you are going through and that is finding the right med and the right dose and waiting for it to start working. I know that sounds like an eternity, but it will happen.
How long did it too you to see some results?
Yes. It's normal..remember to allow all the negative feelings to come and go. Don't focus on it and don't judge. . I know it's easier to be said than done.. but trust me .. I have been there. And I have experienced it all... try to meditate if you can . And focus on breathing .
Hi Sfqueen, I think here we are talking about 2 different issues. Anxiety vs Depression. Does anxiety always come with a racing heart? I'd say that at the beginning of people feeling anxiety the most common symptom will be the racing heart.
Feeling doom and gloom and having racing thoughts may make you feel as if you will go insane but won't. You are really just overwhelmed with feelings, emotions and depressed thoughts.
These issues need to be addressed differently.
Usually I get one followed by the other a couple minutes later. Other times the doom and gloom pops up when decision making or when I'm doubting my decisions.
Sometimes the heart racing thing happens to me without the doom and it takes me a while to notice and calm myself down. Hope this helps
I do it all the time