Today i feel ok but as im cleaning i feel pressure on my neck of my heart beat like its hard to breath i feel sick to my chest i feel like its going to stop idk what to do why do i feel like this its messing up my daily routine like seriously
Today : Today i feel ok but as im cleaning i... - Anxiety Support

Sometimes anxiety can do that to you. What you have to come to grips with is that it is there and it will go away. It happens to me I feel much more symptoms but I know that it will all end at some point. It's OK!
I am having small anxiety right now but I know it will all go away in due time. I recognize it and I say thanks for stopping by and I will assess the situation. If I need to think more about it I will, then if I don't I will just let it go.
If you think it is something worse then go to the doctor just to make sure. It will reinforce that everything is OK and it is the anxiety trying spring up.
I know for me I will get certain feelings and it will spring up some emotions but I tell myself I am OK and I trust Jesus and all is well.
Don't go down the spiral of thinking something is wrong when you don't know and stay away from the internet. Everything on there will tell you you have a horrible disease when in fact you have something minor. Don't self diagnose. Let the experts tell you you are OK.
Last but certainly not least (first in my opinion), I would pray. Prayer can really ground and let you know that you are taken care of. You have to remember that the main reason why we get anxious is because we fear we have no control (health, finances, etc etc) but little do we know that God has all the control and releasing that control and knowing He has the best thing for you will really set you free and you will feel better.
I hope this helps
Thank u its so hard . Does anxiety tecnaly done make yiur heart rate go up? I feel like my heart is going to stop im afraid its my bkood pressurr hopefully not i have low blood pressure i had a few drinks to night now i feel like crap uhg thank u for stopn by to tell me i beilevr in god i trust i beileve he is up set with me for drinking i hope i can get threw the night
He is not upset with you. He loves you and is always looking out for you and waiting for you to reach to Him. There isn't anything you can do that he won't forgive you for. Just pray to Him
Anxiety can have high heart rate or a normal heart rate. It just depends on the person. See your doctor to rule anything out.
You may want to take anything that could increase or decrease your heart rate. Alcohol can do that. I stopped drinking because i felt horrible after. Maybe a lifestyle change, more exersize, cleaner diet can all help as well
I know it can be scary at times but just remember that God is always with you.
God bless.
I know but sometimes I feel like he's mad thank you for being there hopefully I can get through today I feel okay but then my heart just feels weird being weird I feel kind of sick butt I appreciate it
If it feels weird then just go to the doctor and check for sure. and again just pray. You will be fine. Just pray
I do and they send me home ive just got off a holter monitor that i had on for a month i reported it abd they say it looks fine so im lik uhg lol
You had it for a month!?!?! Thats great! If they didnt find anything there then you are good! Believe in what they tell you and move on. You are always going to feel something just know that everything is OK. If something was wrong they would have found it for sure. Smile.... you are ok!! =)
Yes i know its a good thing but scary to feel the way we do because it feels like its ut heart buts reallly not. I have a heart murmur my heart use to go hecka fast not any more. Im going threw alot right now idk how to deal with my emotions mad sad not happy for sure . Im drinking again bad habbit i know happy because of my kids they make me happy only ..
Dear Crystal88. Probably it is an anxiety. it is happening to me also when I start to clean or do some phyical work at house. Go to cardiologist ( to make sure it is not your heart). More likely it is anxiety. Please be calm, no panic. Talk to a doctor . you might need medication for anxiety. Do not let an anxiety run your day, Everything will be OK dear.