Does anyone here take buspirone for anxiety?i have been on it one month now and it seems to be helpful to me. Just curious if anyone else takes it ???...
Buspirone (anti anxiety medication) - Anxiety Support
Buspirone (anti anxiety medication)

I have been given it too take but haven't started it yet , I'm glad it's working for you. I'm always nervous about starting new medication.
What symptoms do you have ?is it anxiety?
Yes for anxiety . I have panic attack so regulary . It's just a low dose of 5MG I'm not sure it will work
That's mine to I take 5mg I have severe panic attacks and I never did before it just happened to me two months ago my life hasn't been the same do you fee like your going crazy and really scared how old ar you
I'm 20 and Iv been suffering an entire year now I had a few month inbetween were everything was OK but my health is detiorating again . Yes I feel crazy like there's always something to worry about or go wrong with my health
Yes me too I'm 27 and the past two months have been hell im a cosmetologist and I can't even work right now I literally feel like something is really wrong and it's beyond horrible I live in California and I been going back and forth to the dr
I completely relate to everything your saying!
I have been meditating , yoga., practicing mindfulness and how to control my breathing . It' really helps me stop things getting out of control.
Just keep believing that you won't feel like this forever . Cognitive behavioural therapy also worth a look at! Get to the thing that is causing the anxiety once you know you can use medication to control symptoms while you work through the real cause
My psychiatrist just prescribed it to me last week. I am now taking it in addition to Latuda and Trintellix. I haven't been able to tell a noticeable difference yet, but I'm hoping that I will soon.
She prescribed it because I was having a lot of anxiety about adjusting to working full time. Currently I take it 3 times a day (at 9, 1, and 5). I hope that over time it will begin to show some benefits. How long did you take it before you saw improvement?