Hi again,
I have been to the doctor this week and described how my anxiety and panic attacks have gotten much worse over the past few months.
We discussed CBT and continuing with Propranolol but my GP was also recommending anti-depressants. About 10 years ago when I was very ill with anxiety and depression, I tried anti-depressants (can't recall which type) and felt very ill, had hallucinations and insomnia and stopped taking them, so I am worried about starting again.
Last year I attempted to stop smoking and was given Champix (which as well as assisting stopping smoking, is an anti-depressant) and that did not go well as they made me sick and and really affected my ability to work and think straight!
So now my GP tells me that I should think about taking meds for anxiety and I do feel that they might be helpful as I am struggling badly with panic attacks at the moment. But I am worried about coping with them and making it through to the point where they might start to help. Any advice, recommendations or experiences anyone has would be helpful.