My eyes feel strange, I can see objects fine but I feel as if something is closing in on me, I hate the feeling, I get so scared when it happens, in my house in fine, it's only when I go to school or in big crowds of people or at the mall, I constantly feel weird, I don't really know how to describe it, I've been thinking it's an eye problem but I can see everything perfectly. It's just a strange way of seeing things and the more I get them and think about it, I get more scared. Can anyone help me?
My eyes feel strange.. I can see everythin... - Anxiety Support
My eyes feel strange.. I can see everything fine but it feels weird in a different way.. Help..?

From what I understand in high levels of anxiety spatial awareness increases massively -a symptom of anxiety attack because it's your brain trying to focus in on the "threat".. I can't really explain any better than that I'm afraid.
Do you feel nervous outside in crowds?
Yes I feel nervous in crowds when there's a lot of people, even though no one is looking at me and nothing going on I just feel uncomfortable and scared, I try and not think about it but when I am alone is starts to feel better but I can't keep on living like this, I'm only just turning 16, I used to smoke cannabis every day or two for a year. I've stopped now but I have no medication and I live in a country near Dubai and I have no medical form so I cant get any prescription..
I'm going through similar, I don't like being outside, being seen even though I know nobody really pays attention to anyone else.
Is there anyone like a counsellor at school you could talk to? I don't know if youre on a summer break but when you go back.. otherwise try to relax about your eyes, and consider what it is you're afraid of.. social anxiety is a "thing" and in the meantime there are lots of info and apps on the internet to use for learning coping skills when you're in a situation around lots of people. I wouldn't like to encourage medication in someone so young, you've a great life ahead if you trust in yourself
Am here if you need to talk more
Thank you so much, I felt so terrible before I found this page, app? I felt as if it was just me, people I told found it 'funny' and 'pathetic' I'm glad I'm not alone and this is happening to lots of other people, it's out of no where, one second I'm fine and then I glance somewhere else and the weird feeling comes on and I don't know what it is, I can't look at anyone normally? If that's a thing? I try to not let anyone see it in me, but I try to close my eyes and re open them and everything could go back to normal, it's on and off and if it gets worse I get sudden adrenalin rushes which makes me panic and I hate it, and sorry I'm actually almost 17, typing error, I'm also here for you to talk about anything, I just like talking about this now because it makes me feel much better. Don't hesitate to send me a little message
I can't wait too, or even ' anxiety... GONE '