I've been feeling anxiety I guess but I get it all day everyday for the past month now. I get it so randomly, all of the sudden my heart will start racing, and my eye sight is kind of blurry and I feel very, very light-headed/dizzy. I don't understand how all of this can be just anxiety/stress. I was so worried that I can be diabetic, heart problems, anemic, vertigo, etc. so I went to get blood work, x-rays, and heart tests done. All the tests said I was fine ????? I don't get it.. I wish I can make all these horrible feelings and symptoms I get go away ! I don't know what to do.
I start crying because of these crazy symptoms I get everyday. I feel as if im getting up very fast from laying down but yet sometimes I am not even laying down..It lasts for about 15-20 mins then after I just feel dizzy and have really bad chest pains.