Hi not sure how to put this properly but here goes I am on citropram have been for a while for anxiety the thing is I am not recalling saying things but my husband tells me what I say now at first I thought he was screwing with me to make me feel like my memory is going STUPID I KNOW he wouldn't do that to me I don't think but I don't understand why I don't recall what I say in the same day like I said something in the morning and by evening I don't recall it anything i said wonder if I'm having a but of memory loss there tbh has any one else had this
Confused : Hi not sure how to put this... - Anxiety Support

Yes ido though I'm on sertraline. I was advised that it is an element of the anxiety. Once you said it its dealt with and gone.

How long did u have it I've had it a couple weeks like this
A few months. It was worse at the start as my anxiety reduces my memory is better. I tend to write things down so not to worry about forgetting.

When I first started these ages ago my memory was fine but after taking them for months n months its getting worse
Plus I'd have to literally write every word that comes out my mouth down that's how bad it's got
Have you told your gp or other professional involved in your mental health care. I shared it with a councillor who helped me rationalise it.

I see my phycologist in 2 weeks n my GP in a month
Hopefully they can help. Do you have a healthy relationship with them

I see my pheripist more then my GP as it's hard to get an appointment with them
I have the same problem. 3rd day on Sertraline and I am so confused and my memory is horrible