Worst symptoms I've ever had... In serious... - Anxiety Support

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Worst symptoms I've ever had... In serious need of reassurance...

Cherry_mvff profile image
8 Replies

After 5 months without posting anything here I just hold back anymore. I've been visiting the site from time to time (practically all day every day recently) which has definitely helped me through A LOT of rough spots, but these past few weeks in particular have been so horrific that I have to let it all out. Anyone who can relate to any of this tell me what's going on PLEASE respond asap before I actually explode! Prepare for a bit of a novel... apologies in advance ;L

A couple of weeks after my last post regarding my issues with standing up, everything just dissapeared! Literally like it was overnight, I went to sleep feeling the usual crap and woke up I'd say 97% back to "normal". Ecstatic is a massive understatement. I though that was it, I'd beat it and I could resume my otherwise excellent life with no further issues! After being stuck in bed for 3 weeks feeling weak and drained and barely avle to walk, I was out on 5 - 10 mile treks, socialising with friends at the pub and playing gigs with College with virtually no issues whatsoever besides the occasional 4 or 5 second return of the "walking on boat" feeling and the usual slightly weird heart stuff which the doctor had assured me was fine.

One day however, towards the end of May, I awoke after a perfectly good night's sleep and a nice chilled out day, and that all-over tingly/ buzzing/ lightheaded feeling was back... I stood up and what d'you know, so was the boat feeling! Tried to ignore it as it was too intense but as I went to walk downstairs BOOM, the "omg I'm literally about to pass out" feeling struck once again. Brilliant...

I've already rambled on enough so to cut a very long story short, since that day it's pretty much got progrsssively worse and worse. Everthing I try and do lands me feeling more ill in the long run. I managed to go out a few times, play a couple of shows and walk small distances here and there (although, not AT ALL for the past month and a half...) but every single time I'd do something like that, even when it wasn't remotely physically or mentally demanding, I ended up feeling worse.

It's got to the point now were for the past nearly two months, I've resulted to drinkng a rather considerable amount of alcohol to be able to do anything remotely demanding and ESPECIALLY if it involves any amount of standing up as this is still the biggest issue for me. Drinking certainly seems to eliminate most of my symptoms and allows me to stand and do pretty mucb everything without my usual 24/7 feeling of the verge of losing consiousness and all the other unbearable stuff. My heart seems to race (I took my pulse multiple times while only tipsy at a family barbecue on Wednesday and it was around 130bpm everytime) which leads me to believe that that is what's causing me to feel better, as when I'm sober my heart rate is between 55 and 70 (relatively normal, although it does occasionally go higher when I'm actually mentally nervous about something specific or if I climb the stairs etc.) and that's when I feel awful! A lot of the time I get this horrible feeling that my heart is going to stop 'cause it feels so slow, which kind of contradicts the whole racing heart anxiety thing! AARRGH.

My symptoms today have been like literally, NON STOP, seriously. Not single moment of clarity, which I normally get treated to on an average day even if I haven't had a drink etc. They are as follows, and all EXTREMELY intense: Constant buzzing/ tingling/ tickly/ weird sensation inside most of my body and on my scalp/ forehead and jaw, pretty much non stop lightheadedness/ feeling that I'm about to pass out which is REALLY intense, fatigue, I literally can't stop twitching my muscles in my... ur... "Rear end" and stomach, even though I'm fully aware that I'm doing it, it just feels horrible if I stop... Feeling of heaviness in my chest that's pretty much been there all day, but changes in intensity randomly, shortness of breath that again changes but is always there, my heart has sat at around 60 all day, and even during REALLY intense periods of symptoms, has barely gone up at all, and most of the time hasn't changed. This is reallt worrying me as I'm pretty damn sure that's supposed to be the 'cause of like 90% of "anxiety" symptoms... Like I said earlier, it really keeps feeling even slower and like it going to stop, which normally results in a massive like jolt through my body and very sudden what feels like near loss of consciousness which is just horrible (and still doesn't speed my heart up at all)... Everytime I move, all the symptoms seem to get worse, very quickly. The weird tingling massively intensifies, I feel very lightheaded, parts of my body feel numb and the shortness of breath gets considerably worse, which has made travelling the 20 ft journey to the toilet occasionally an absolute night mare, and even typing this post on my phone seems to be making my feel worse! I found it very hard to concentrate on any Youtube videos or ganes I've tried to play across the 16 hours that I've bow been awake for prety much just in bed today, as that has also seemed to make things almost instantly worse, as opposed to distracting my from it.

There's a few other things here and there but that's that main bulk. Apologies again to anyone who's actually still reading up to this point for stealing about 4 hours of your life, but I needed to get this all out and I NEED some help! Today has been the wort day so far, since this all started back on CHRISTMAS F***ING DAY. I've had days similar, where I haven't been able to leave my bed at ALL, but none as intense and constant as today has been. If anyone can relate to this, give me some advice or even tell me if you think this maybe something more sinister and possibly give me some pointers as to what to do, I'd be eternally grateful from the bottom of my thing in my chest that seems to plague my existance with it's weirdness ;L And a massive thankyou to anyone who took the time to read this, hopefully hearing my problems has brought you some relief too! xx

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Cherry_mvff profile image
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8 Replies
dizzychar profile image

Hi, the first thing I would advise is visit your gp and tell them all your symptoms and let them give you the once over. I have experienced a lot of the symptoms that you have described also, I have been to the gp numerous times over the years about them and they have said anxiety. Stop checking your heart rate all the time, the constant checking will be fueling the anxiety and also causing you to constantly monitor and focus on it. Anxiety is very draining and it can cause all kinds of symptoms and thoughts.

Have you been diagnosed with anxiety before? And are you on any meds? X

Cherry_mvff profile image
Cherry_mvff in reply to dizzychar

Thanks for the response! I'm going back to my doctor on Monday to discuss the last couple of weeks and today in particular for sure. I was diagnosed a few days after christmas which was when all my problems started, at first with just generalized anxiety (although no tests had been carried out at this point) which VERY rapidly degraded into health anxiety as I stated to feel more and more physically ill! I always obsessed over any illness as a kid so I think it all stems from that, and this got so intense and debilitating so fast that it just tipped me over the edge. I had an ECG after the first month which was absolutely fine and I've had blood tests for liver, kidney, electrolyte, glucose and thyroid problems which were all also fine! I'm currently awaiting the results from a urine test for some adrenal gland problem but I'm going to request some more checks if that comes back fine, 'cause at least if I do get the all clear for everything, I can stop convincing my self that this is actually some far more serious which it certainly feels like! I had a course of CBT which helped temporarily, and I was perscrived Propranolol 80mg back in Feb but I didn't tolerate it well so I stopped after a few days. Haven't been on anything since as I really want to try and avoid it!

I know the heart rate thing is literally one of the worst things you can do but I get so flustered and panicky (which makes everything a lot worse) if I can't feel it so I'm constantly aware of it! Everytime I try and distract myself, I end up having massive surges of anxiety 'cause I think my bloody hearts stopping which just seems SO ridiculous when I see it in writing haha ;L But I guess I've just got to try and stop that by myself. I shall find a way I'm sure.

I'm rambling now anyway so I shall leave it at that but thanks again for the response it's always a big help :) x

dizzychar profile image
dizzychar in reply to Cherry_mvff

I Don't worry about rambling lol, we all do and that's what this site is for 😊

It doesn't sound silly it's what we believe, I have been aware of my heart/chest for such a long time and I'm sure if I had a monitor to check my pulse I probably would be doing. I used to be bad for checking mine and my children's temperature over and over again. I've done googling, body checking. Scanning, prodding and poking, the works lol. I was diagnosed wiTh gad around 7/8 years ago, a lot of mine is health related. I've had cbt also. I havnt had many tests really apart from bloods. Had ecg and a few other things but that was quite a few years ago.

Nearly 7 years ago I had a really bad time, couldn't breathe properly, was so drained, could barely get up of the sofa I had all kinds of symptoms, my mum took me to hospital and I really didn't understand when he said you've probably picked up a virus but I think it's a lot to do with anxiety. I'm better than I was let's say, but things do play on my mind and I do still worry about the symptoms. Try some deep breathing, and make some time for yourself even if it's just a nice warm shower or bath. Talking is good too have you got a good friend or family member that you feel comfortable with, if you stop it all it does become more difficult, I've done it myself x

AnxiousAmy profile image

Hi! I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time. Your situation sounds so much like my own it's crazy! I too have been diagnosed with GAD, but my mind isn't even anxious, except for wondering what the hell is wrong with me! My physical symptoms are also out of control and come out of nowhere, and like you, the past couple weeks have been non-stop horrendous. The last few days I am so off-balance I have almost tipped over several times... Feels like I'm on a boat, exactly what you are experiencing.

Also, I too always check my HR, and expect it to be high, but nope, even when I'm having what I think are panic attacks, my heart is not racing and I don't hyperventilate, I just get a severe dizzy spell, start shaking, get hoT flushes then cold chills, get nauseous and basically hang on for dear life to avoid passing out.

Over the past 6 years, I haven't fully accepted that anxiety can cause all of this internal torment. I have had blood work, ekgs, and a ct scan for fear of brain Tumor.

My anxiety tends to come in spurts... It leaves for no reason, often when I least expect it to.. And comes on strong again for no reason. A little while back, I was anxiety free for a whole month and I thanked God every day for the peace I felt at that time because every moment without anxiety is to be celebrated. Since that little break; it has come back with vengeance... But Deep down, I know, and I want you to know too, that we will get a break from this hell again. It will leave, when we least expect it to, so I need you to hang on to that hope.

I also have a dr. Apt on Monday, and will finally accept the medication she offers (Effexor). I have a good relationship with my dr. And she believes this will help me as she believes I have a bad chemical imbalance going on. My anxiety isn't brought on by traumatic experiences, neglect, grief, or unresolved issues. I normally have a lovely, happy life, other than my anxiety, and I will do everything it takes to get well! We will get better!

Hang in there and please check in again. I have found this group so helpful and comforting... Just know you are physically healthy, you aren't alone and this feeling is not permanent. ❤️

So sorry you feel so bad. I have had anxiety for over 18 months now and have tried four different antidepressants. Currently waiting to see what the fourth one does. It is very hard to hang on in there and there is very little support. Got kicked off CBT after two weeks as too ill to do activity diary, in fact it made me worse which is probably not giving it a good go but it wasn't my decision but the therapist.

I did get better for a bit and then family circumstances made me Ill again. Horrible nightmare tunnel but we must both hang in there if we can.

Hate weekends and mornings, classic case. I understand the ups and downs but the downs are really discouraging and I always ignore the ups as they only last for a few hours if that.

I wish doctors did more research into anxiety as no one seems to know the right path. Also I am fed up with people saying it is down to me. 18 months ago it was all normal.

I find visitors good as they distract me. I can read a bit and have done a few household task that are pathetic but fill up time. I also go to an acupuncturist who is clued up. Trying to think of other routes I have tried, hypnotherapy, but can't get there at moment.

Sleep would be good but eludes me a lot. Yesterday I just gave up on the tasks and lay on sofa all day but not sure it is good for me.

Cherry_mvff profile image

dizzychar AnxiousAmy Hidden

Thankyou all so much for the replies and sorry I'm late responding! Woke up yesterday after what felt like about 2 minutes of sleep feeling surprisingly better and reading through your comments has helped a TONNE! I'm sorry that you're all experiencing the bundle of joy that is an-f@&£ing-xiety... But I hope my post has brought you all some relief as your comments have to me xx Much appreciated! I'll post on here more often when needs be from now on as it's always really helped me out. I have a knack for rambling as I'm a very social guy (when my body lets me be) so this kind of this is ideal ;L Speedy recovery to you all :)

Mloanddb profile image

Wow you sound a lot like me, as of right now I'm dealing with chest flutters or at least that's what I think they are. It's in my chest & moves right below my chest or kinda feels like it's in my stomach, needles to say it's a very weird feeling & very annoying & it's seriously driving me absolutely crazy. It's been going on for like a month now. Came out of nowhere & always starts when I'm sitting down or at rest. I did cry twice today because I'm at my wites end!! I'm 34 and I've been completely fine most of my life until last year. This all came out of nowhere. I've been told my grandmom suffered from horrific anxiety & my dad said he also has it so I guess it's obviously hereditary unfortunately. I get symptoms even when I'm not anxious & that's where I can't except it's just anxiety. Symptoms include,

*chest pain

*shortness of breath

*aches & pains almost everywhere, also get electric shocks it feels like.

*defiantly have chest anxiety 100% it's almost always there.

I know I have health anxiety & I do look on the web only because if something new shows up I try to get more information about it & of course it leads to something more serious & my mind is on high alert.

I also don't take meds but I'm at the point where I may have to take something a small dose because I want to live a normal life again. This is completely depressing & I can't take it anymore.

Kainan profile image

I've experienced exactly the same things late last year much like you as you've described them: heart racing/buzzing, dizziness, brain fog, extreme fatigue, that sudden jolt that comes outta nowhere(which is THE worst) I've been on this site for almost a year now and what I've learned from the hundreds of posts I've read is that the symptoms we experience has a lot more to do with potential mood disorders (so anxiety in our case) than medical ones. If you continually check your pulse (which is something I used to do too) that's only gonna bring about more anxiety. Chances are your heart is doing just fine, but the anxiety is clouding your judgement. Along with all the physical symptoms it brings, anxiety also can trigger us to think a lot of negative thoughts, which only make us feel worse about ourselves. So I would pay a visit to your psychiatrist as soon as you can so that the two of you can figure things out and come to a mutual understanding.

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