Hello my names Sophie. I joined this because I feel like I'm the only person in the world that suffers anxiety. Everyone around me is confident and I feel so low. I just want someone to talk too who understands. I'm glad I found this website I'm also a very good listener, so if anyone wants to talk to me you're more than welcome X
Welcome me : Hello my names Sophie. I joined... - Anxiety Support
Welcome me

Hello. Trust me you're not alone. When I started talking to friends about my issues I found I have 5 friends who struggle just the same. It doesn't make it any easier though for me. This place is a god send though. Feel free to message me if you want to talk
Hi trust me your not alone been battling this for 10 years

Hi Sophie, appearances can be very deceiving!! Some people are just good at hiding how they feel. There are so many people suffering this way it's more like an epidemic. I hope you can find some comfort on here. I don't think enough is being done to help people, but even if when you feel alone and frightened you can put it all down on here and get it off your chest. It sometimes takes a while for people to get back to you but someone will. Hope you have a good day Sophie 🙏🏻x
Everyone Sophie has a front, puts on an act for 'the world'
Anxiety to some degree is part of the human condition .
It's function on a low level is to protect us ,to keep us alert and focused ,to keep ourselves safe
On a pathological level it becomes part of hypervigilance where we are always worried and deeply concerned about our safety.
Everyone is to some degree.
On this site more than others, perhaps being more sensitive or traumatised or just our genetic make up
Hope you find healthy ways to lower your levels like Bach Flower Rescue Remedy,yoga,meditation,E.F.T tapping therapy..self help etc
Also exercise is great too to burn off extra adrenalin.
Wish you all you need to feel more relaxed and happier
Hello Sophie x I have suffered with panic atacks for about 20 years always tried to deal with them myself x but since this March just gone I had a serious panuc attack pasted out and ended up in A & E could find anything wrong with me had loads of tests and still having on going tests now x but can't find a thing wrong which us good x but doctor says it's anxiety he did send me to a anxieticlinuc which it dud help alot x but I've been discharged from clinic now as they said I'm doing fine x people are quite shocked when I tell them I suffer with anxiety as Ithey say look si confident in myself x yes I try to x but inside you really know how your feeling x good luck try to keep posative and you will get thete x
Hello Sophie and all who replied, all good advise. We all put on a brave face. I listened recently to an explanation of anxiety ans the emotional energy it takes away from us. It made so much sense. Its good to listen, talk and learn. Thanks all for being here.
Hi I understand where you are coming from, everyone says to me you will be ok but the physical symptons are terrible
I really struggle to talk to anyone about how I'm feeling when it comes to my anxiety, I hate the way I feel and all the negative thoughts and constant worry I have. I used to be a confident and positive person with loads of friends and now all I seem to do is worry about everything and feeling like I have no friends I think the physical symptoms are the worst though because they make you feel really down, I walk around feel dizzy and spaced out and I always think people are looking at me thinking I'm crazy. I cant talk to anyone about it because they will just tell me to stop being silly and get over it, I really wish I knew how! Xx
Hi Sophiemay, you are definitely not alone. I have learned that when your body become low on nutrients , it may cause some anxiety. Magnesium glycinate, are Magnesium malate, 500mg suppose to help, as well as B complex vitamins (organic). I have started taking these supplements alone with a multi vitamin (organic ). Now these are just a few, and I am not a doctor. Try looking up, "What supplements are good for anxiety " ? I hope this helps you.
Hi Sunshine, I think it helps if we can find ways to explain how we feel. I struggled to understand my feelings and putting them into words. So I thought if I cant understand them, how can anyone else?
One think I learned on my journey, was from I guy I wanted to meet after listening to one of his recordings. He said this to me ( and lots more besides ).
When you think you are going nuts, your not, when you think people don't care, its because they don't understand, when you feel afraid, thats fine but don't let it rule you, when you don't have the strength to go on, you do, you just have to dig deeper, when you are tired, take rest, take a day off from trying to be well, just accept you are going through a journey, and its like a full time job, and everyone who works, gets at least a few days or a weekend off, so stop trying to be well all the time, acknowledge you are treading a difficult path back to feeling well again and take a day off from it. He said remember you are going through a difficult time, I'm not stuck in it, I'm going through it!! That was huge for me. And another thing he said that was particularly good for me to hear was this. Everything you were before the anxiety struck is still there, all the strength, happiness, excitement, hopefulness, experience, knowledge and wisdom and everything else is still there. So imagine the anxiety as being a blanket which covers all you were, and it needs rolling back, they are all still there, waiting to be felt and enjoyed again. I could go on, but you get the drift. Anyway, I was so pleased I took the time to go see him, I have shared my learning from him several times. Anyway I hope this helps you a little and anyone else who might read it. Peace!