Hi All,
Been reading some here that make me feel a little at home....that may sound a little bizarre, but I don't feel so alone.
My story as brief as I can....For 9 years I have been working away from home and being everything for everyone else.....Anyway because of this (I think?) I have felt unwell with headaches, neck and shoulder pain, jaw clenching, and a stomach that seems to be acting up to it all.
Right now it seems to have all come to a climax....as I my muscles in my back, arms and legs are so tense I get what can only be described as internal shaking, I feel dizzy and quite sick, then my tummy seems to lurch and I have to go the loo several times....
Of course I have thought it has been something wrong with me...but I am now beginning to see that I am manifesting this myself, but I can't seem to stop and now I am scared to go out and it is ruining my life. I have been signed off work for the past three weeks.
Does anyone else have these crazy internal shaking things going on it's as though my muscles are out of control, you can't physically see the shaking I can only feel it, i and the tummy upsets, this dashing to the loo is freaking me out.
I find myself holding my breath sometimes and holding my muscles rigid in my jaw and back and even in my legs, I don't seem to realise I am doing it.....
I am weary of trying to explain myself and I feel very boring! If anyone can relate to anything help put my mind at rest I would be very grateful.
Thank You