Can someone tell me a good story... - Anxiety Support

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Can someone tell me a good story...

salsagirl20 profile image
18 Replies

Hi everyone,

I have posted alot here these last couple of days and I am sure some of you know what my issues are so I won't need to explain myself. I basically want to know is there any good stories out there and when I mean good I mean happy stories that you know. True stories please. I am asking this because I hear so many terrible things happen to people it's so sad and frankly makes me depressed and very high strung on anxiety cause sure enough I think these terrible things will happen to me too. I have heard of young people my age perfectly healthy with good eating habits and exercise having heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, cancer, diseses etc. The end of these stories always lead into these people dying and i just dont understand it. I just think well I eat healthy and exercise could these terrible things happen to me too? It scares me so much it's seriously to a point where I can't hear anymore sad stories. So anyone please have you heard terrible things happen to people you may know or maybe to you and they fought through it or by a miracle they survived?

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salsagirl20 profile image
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18 Replies


Yes you are right there are so many sad stories out there. If you are looking for to hear of people who have fought against the odds then you only need to watch the programs coming on TV soon about some of the Paralympic hopefully. I had the pleasure to help coach the GB Paralympic archery squad for a few years in the run up to the Paralympics in London 2012. I learned a lot from just being with the team. The one thing that they all possess not matter what their illness or injuries are is that they are all fighters. I can think of 2 gentlemen on the squad who both had accidents on the same mountain. Not at the same time, but they both survived and both decided to take up archery.

What about all the people who are bullied, who have managed with the help of friends and family to not give in to the bullies and are now leading happy lives and have that bad experience to grow as a person?

I can think of one wonderful girl who's been through that. My niece, she was bullied for not wearing designer labelled clothes. Instead she was being very practical in her choice of clothing so that she could get more value for her money. She also told me one day that she was this girl's slave. The girl was there at the time so I had a talk with them about everyone being equals. Unfortunately the bullying continued. My niece stopped eating and was very unhappy for a while. Her Mum and Dad tried everything they could think of with the school to get this problem sorted, but in the end they moved my niece to another school. She made new friends and the school gave her extra tasks to do to help build her confidence. Now 2 years later you should see her, so full of energy going from strength to strength. She is her own person and enjoys dancing for her school and for herself at weekends and has won lots of prizes. She has also been able to improve her school work and has won a science award. I am so proud of her for making it through the bullying.

Yes you here all the time about the bad things that happen to people and when it's someone fit and healthy it's shocking. If we were all to consider everything that could happen or go wrong for us then most of us would never leave the house.

I've just had the toughest 2 years of my life with anxiety and depression and could quite easily have given in to it, but with the help of a lot of people and a lot of people on this forum I have not only managed to get through those bad times, but I am working on improving myself further. My drive in life is now to be the best and healthiest person I can be so that I can past on all I have learned to others to help them have good, happy lives.

I keep a diary every day and the last entry in my diary every evening is what I am grateful for that day. Sometimes it's only having been able to get up that morning. I've done things like check in with people of this forum to make sure they are okay, I've offered beggars some of my lunch. Last week I was at an event in my town and there was an elderly couple standing behind me who couldn't see what was going on so I let them stand in front of me. It then started to rain and I put my jacket around the ladies shoulders to stop her getting wet. She was concerned for me not having a jacket, but I told her I would rather her not get wet. When we went to leave the event, I even offered to let her borrow my jacket until she got home and for her to call me later and I would come and collect my jacket. Some of her family appeared and they had an umbrella, but I still asked if she was sure she'd be okay.

Rather than worry about all the bad things that can and unfortunately do happen daily , I decided that I want to bring a little happiness to others. This has allowed me to see life different and I now look for all the good things and embrace the good things that happen daily.

I hope this has helped you. I hope you can find something in each day to make you smile and make you see that there is good things out there and there are a lot of people how have come through bad times and are now happy.

Take care.

salsagirl20 profile image
salsagirl20 in reply to

20 voices, wow your story is truly inspiring I am sorry your niece was bullied, I am happy she is well and okay. It's unfortuant that happened to her but she is the lady she is now and that is amazing. Wow your are so kind, you are right. We think about so much bad when there is so much good in the world too. We need to really appreciate all the good and eventually it will out way the bad. We all go through bad times even though they are all different but they make us who we are and when we over come them they make us so much stronger. Thank you so much for sharing your story here today. ☺

aaaanandkumar profile image
aaaanandkumar in reply to

Wow, you made my day. Thank you.

in reply to aaaanandkumar

You are welcome. Thank you for letting me know that this has helped you. That makes my day and adds to my gratitude list I create at end of each day. :-D

pam1000 profile image
pam1000 in reply to

what a good way to overcome depression gratitude. I'm battling anxiety and trouble sleeping at the moment. Been to Drs put me on trazodone made me so bad came off it. Having counselling but every day is hard. But you are

in reply to pam1000

Hi, thank you for you kind words.

I am just so grateful for all the help I have received for my anxiety and depression that I wanted to share my experience.

If it helps someone find a better option or reminds someone of something they used to do, but haven't for a while then good. That gives me a little more confidence and makes me smile, which all helps.

Take care.

stde profile image

More good than bad...but during anxiety our mind only notices the

salsagirl20 profile image
salsagirl20 in reply to stde

That's true anxiety is horrible and makes us think the worst.

stde profile image
stde in reply to salsagirl20

It is only an overactive mind making up stories

Chey921 profile image

There are always going to be sad stories but there are many happy stories that you dont hear about because people only like to talk about the negative. You just have to keep a positive mindset and be grateful that you're alive and breathing and healthy enough to write this post. I'm going through anxiety right now as well and completely understand. I was depressed and didn't want to leave my house for a while but we have to keep going and pray for the best. I wish you well.

salsagirl20 profile image
salsagirl20 in reply to Chey921

Chey, it's true ppl like to talk about negative things and it's so annoying. Yes it's true, I need to be more grateful that I am alive. Thanks so much for your support.

BonnieSue profile image

OK, here's a story: Some years ago I had trouble lifting my right arm. It became weaker and weaker, turned blue and numb. It hung down by my side and it hurt. My neck hurt where my arm connected to it. I had an injection in that spot at my neck. The pain transferred to the LEFT side of my neck. Very strange. After about 2 weeks my right side started to feel a little better.

At 4 weeks I had another injection. Both sides started to feel better. Slowly, eventually, both got better and better. A neurosurgeon explained that I needed surgery to solve my problem. He wanted to go in at the front of my neck, pull my esophagus aside in order to get to my spine, and fuse 2 vertebra together where I had herniated discs. I thought that was a terrible idea.

I researched the procedure and found that once you start fusing, the discs next to them start to give under the increased pressure and then you have to keep fusing discs like a bunch of dominoes falling. I chose not to have the surgery and today I have both arms working normally for years and I've had no surgery.

salsagirl20 profile image
salsagirl20 in reply to BonnieSue

SueSz, thank you so much for sharing your story. It's crazy that you went with your gut in a situation like that, very inspiring. I'm happy your arms are okay now and that you are better. ☺

Attipay55 profile image

Hi there! Yes I can tell you a good story.....and it is true.

I have had 2 near death experiences. The first one was in 2003 when my spleen unexpectedly ruptured. (No trauma). I lost 2/3 of my blood. I got a glimpse of the other side and it is amazing! No fear or pain.

The second experience was in December 2014. I was very ill. I was too sick to go to the doctor (sounds stupid, but it's true). I collapsed in our hallway and my husband called the ambulance. I had to be put on a ventilator in our driveway. I had fungal pneumonia and was not expected to make it. I was on Life Support for 8 days and as they were getting ready to do a tracheostomy on me, things turned around and I got better.

It would take me days to describe all the things I saw and felt during those incidents. But I do know that our lives on this earth are just a small part of this whole journey.

We are inundated with Bad news on the media daily.......

I have turned off the TV and turned on the music! I'm determined to dance out this ride! Take care and breathe!

salsagirl20 profile image
salsagirl20 in reply to Attipay55

Thanks Attipay for sharing your story with us. Wow I can't believe that happened to you they are both remarkable stories and they make you the person you are today. It makes me feel better that there is hope and if something bad doesn't happen it doesn't mean it always ends badly. Thanks so much it really made me feel better.

adds profile image

you need to make your own stories of how to handle your anxiety and not give up keep fighting it no matter how hard it gets and know leting it win if it does for bit f**k it dust self off get up start fight agane theres stories for you all good luck

salsagirl20 profile image
salsagirl20 in reply to adds

Thanks alot adds those are really strong words and your right.

Aks00 profile image

Here's a really great story. There was a man who came to Earth and died for all of us to be set free. He was risen 3 days after his death and overcame the world so that whoever believes in him and his sacrifice of dying for us shall be saved. Safe from harm while here on this earth but also an eternal paradise with him. Life is hard, and there will always be trials and tribulations.. call his name and he is there to listen. Ask for protection. There's always going to be sadness, pain, sorrow, unfair things... However, when believing we have external security so that all of that will no more exist. Praying you're safe.. And by the way his name is Jesus. 😊

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