Hi everyone just wondering if anyone gets this horrible spaced out,light headed feeling with anxiety? I had been feeling good again for a few weeks but it's back again😢Hate feeling like this had headaches on and off they seem to have gone but still feeling panicky and like I'll faint at any moment.
Anxious and lightheaded: Hi everyone just... - Anxiety Support
Anxious and lightheaded

I totally understand exactly how that feels! When my anxiety is really bad I constantly feel light headed as if I'm on the verge of passing out. Sometimes I'll feel like I'm just to drop dead. And the disoriented feeling drives me nuts! you're not alone!
Do you ever feel like you're in a dream when you feel that spaced out? Do you ever feel detached from everything and everyone?
This is me too! It's scary and horrible,I'll be sitting talking to someone and I get the feeling I'll pass out or be in a shop and it happens too! Yes I feel in a dream too it's weird and horrible just don't feel like I'm totally with it!
literally have the same as you i'll be talking to a customer at work and i'll feel like i'm gonna pass out & that someone is squeezing my head so i have take myself outside for 15 minutes to calm down it's so scary
That feeling is called depersonalization. I live with it constantly and have for the past three months. There's so many more symptoms that come with it, but it's honestly all just a "feeling", not a true symptom. There's nothing really wrong with you but it wants to make you believe that there is. The more you believe in those feelings the longer it takes to feel better. You just have to learn to accept that these feelings are just apart of your anxiety and that you will be okay! I know it's much easier said than done, but it is possible! If you ever need somebody to talk to you're more than welcome to message me.
Best of luck and I hope you feel better soon!
Yes me to my anxciety has been really bad this week and I've been the same all week it's finally calming down tho normally mine lasts for a cupple of days or even a week your not alone going trew this happy to talk I u want to give me a messege 😊
Thank you,it's good to know I'm not alone(although I wouldn't want anyone feeling like this!) just when I think I'm starting to feel better it starts up again.Had a few bad panic attacks in Jan too.
Yh it's not nice I'm the same I can have a good week and then boom out of no we're it's happening again 😕 Not very nice but we can get trew this and we will no matter how sceary it is it will not harm us always remember that and yes this group really helps me to 😊 Hopefuly u feel better soon x
Thank you,that would really help.☺
No problem aleays better to talk to someone x
Hi, yeh I do and they come from no where, even had to grab the counter last Weekend as thought I was going to fall, it's horrible ey
Panicking earlier,just felt like I couldn't breathe.😞
I get that disoriented feeling as well. Also look into your nutrition to make sure you are eating enough and at close enough intervals. Low blood sugar can also cause it. And people with active anxiety often have inhibited hunger drive. So it's common to under eat without realizing it.
But try to remember you are okay. It's a common symptom from anxiety.
I've not been eating great at all recently,just have no appetite because of the constant worrying over how I'm feeling.
I would bet that besides anxiety causing it, that low blood sugar is exasperating the symptoms.
Maybe try to eat something simple like a piece of fruit every couple hours. Just to keep your blood sugar in a healthy range. And lots of water.
Yes, all the dang time. The lightheaded feeling makes me more anxious and it's always a struggle to get in front of it. No caffeine, little sugar doesn't matter.
Yes mine seems to stay like this a lot I might go a few days or so and not feel that way but it always comes back.