Has anyone had any experience with Buspar.Just had my Dr take me off it.Id rather deal with the anxiety and use my prns then the side effects from this.
Buspar: Has anyone had any experience with... - Anxiety Support

I used Buspar but had to stop. It was causing me to itch and break out in hives.
Hi, I know this is an old post but Im having crazy side effects from Buspar too!
Pins and needles, tingling and a numb leg!

I just started Buspar 3 days ago. My right leg is tingly and numb too!
I have an appt today with my GP...I'm going to ask if its normal.
Also, I've read that you shouldn't drink while on buspar. This Saturday my family and I are heading to Mexico to an all-inclusive resort where its all you can eat/drink and I plan on indulging quite a bit. I've been fairly stressed at work so this is my time to get away and relax.
Hello Michelle
No way! I cannot believe youve got a numb leg!
Can you let me know how you get on with the GP?

Well apparently numb leg can be a normal side effect.
And she also recommended not drinking while on it. And next week I will be in Mexico at an all-inclusive resort where I most definitely will be drinking so she is tapering me off of it while I am away.
Oh dear. A numb leg is not good.
Im glad you went to see her.
I was on itfor 2months and just stopped - didnt taper.
I didnt feelany worse apart from my off balance feeling is back.
Have a great holiday!
Did she recommend anything else for you?

No, she is still recommending the Buspar, she just wants me to wait until I get back before I start taking it again.
But I am not certain I want to be on anything that will hinder me having a glass of wine at the end of a rough day so I am not sure what the solution is.
Thinking of seeing a therapist to see if they can offer any help/advice.