Help : I can't seem get things out my head... - Anxiety Support

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Nyda profile image
8 Replies

I can't seem get things out my head nothing helps my anxiety

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Nyda profile image
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8 Replies

Have you tried reading? It helped me out a lot and also yoga. Try getting a hobby it distracts your mind a lot. Good luck

AAMIR_KHAN profile image

pray to GOD.change yourself to healthy habits,sleep early,get up early and take exercise,it helped me alot,

jennifer1983 profile image

Each and every time you think of a negative or scary thought , push it out as quickly as it comes in and don't give in to it. Replace it with a pleasant thought what ever that might be for you.. Anything but the negative thought.

Think of it like this…. The negative or frightening thought is a monster , and if you feed the monster it gets bigger and stronger. if you do not feed the monster the monster starves and dies.

Good Luck !!

steadfast66 profile image

I understand. Often we overthink: What if this happens or that? How does this person feels about me? Why did that person say this about me? Why can't I do this or that? Why did I do or say that? I shouldn't have. Nyda, there are things you can not control. Also, there are things that really doesn't matter but we make it a big thing and over analyze. This serenity prayer often helps me: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Also, don't worry (or fear) about something that hasn't happen. Many times what we worry about doesn't happen or what we think a person feels about us is not true. Someone from this site said something like this: "Letting go of what you think people's judgements of you are will take a lot of pressure off your shoulders trying to please them." The key is finding out what causes your anxiety and dealing with it. A therapist might help. God knows.

natejohnson0201 profile image

What kind of things go through your head? Just curious if we share the same thought paterns that cause attacks.

Nyda profile image
Nyda in reply to natejohnson0201

Like something bad going happen

natejohnson0201 profile image

Do you have random thoughts that just pop up? I'm curious cause this is my issue and the random thoughts cause panic attacks. I know it's kinda vague but it's hard to discribe.

Hi, I had this happen to me last year and I did a lot of hard work to clam the anxiety. Tonight I visited my psychologist cause the anxiety was starting again. Hopefully I've caught it before it quickly this time.

The things that I have found help is :

Each day listing the things I am grateful for

Each evening before I got to bed I list my successes for the day

I use thought records to Why I am thinking that I am not worth it or bad things are going to happen. I write down why I feel like that and then I write down the alternative reasons as to why it's not going to happen.

I use meditation and walking to help.

I've changed my diet as I read that can help and I've noticed a difference in my moods and health by reducing my refined sugar intake, cutting out most processed foods.

Essential oils help as well, I diffuse them in the morning and evening. I use different blends to help me get started in the morning and also to help relax me at night so I can get a good sleep.

I don't watch any soap operas as I find them too depressing. I listen to music and read books.

Taking up a hobby helps especially when you get out and meet other people.

Also learning to recognise your anxiety triggers and the techniques that work for you helps.

If you hear a negative voice, then learning to control it and tell it to behave that you are focused and good helps.

Having goals that are written down helps especially when you mark off the completed steps and you can see your progress.

Also writing a positive statement and stick it up in a few places round your house where you will see it helps to remind you that you are a strong person and can beat this.

Talking to someone you trust about how you feel and what's happened lately to bring on the anxiety may help you see what's happened and find ways of recognising why you feel this way and how to cope with the feelings.

You know it's hard work keeping the anxiety under control, but you can do it. I know I've given you a long list of the things I use. Maybe it will help remind you of something that has helped you in the past or give you some other ideas you can try.

Hope this helps.

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