I been feeling pain in my back and middle of my chest and left side also. Its been scaring me so much. My jaw also feels tired and worn out. I seriously think something is wrong with me. My sister thinks Im just hypochondriac. I just don't know.
Does anyone know why this hurts? - Anxiety Support
Does anyone know why this hurts?

All that could happened because when you are under stress your body muscles get tie. Even the ones in our chest. A friend of mine when to the ER because she was having a very bad chest pain and after a normal EKG the doctor said the stressed and anxiety cause that pressure. If this is something new you can go ahead and check, but I remember you said you are 13, so I don't think you are having any heart problems at this time, but very bad anxiety. Also, there is condition called Costochondritis, an inflammation of the sternum located in the middle our chest between the ribs, this also causes pain on our chest wall. Ask your sister to give you a back massage to relax because all this is due to anxiety. Be thankful that you are young and that you have a beautiful life ahead of you!
Don't worry and you will be fine.
bel_hope, Costochondritis is sooo painful. I have had it on and off for years. Heat helps me relax those muscles. Hope you are okay....
Hi xoxox, you are not a hypochondriac because what you are feeling is true. It's just not coming from a medical disorder but from an emotional disorder. Anxiety is real. Among other symptoms, the upper back and chest muscles get so intensely tight due to our fear causing the pain. So, the pain is real but it's not coming from your heart. Your jaw is tired and worn out because you are probably clenching because of the stress making your jaw feel tired and worn. Nothing is seriously wrong with you. I'm sending you a hug and telling you I care. Feel some comfort soon. xx
Hi there, yes it could be costochonditis. But obviously you need to speak with your GP. I had many aches and pains associated with anxiety for years, I still do, but also I have Fibromyalgia and then a lot of those unexplained pains made sense. It's worth checking that you don't have this. You need to see a rheumotologist if you suspect you have this. Pain and fatigue are the main symptoms and people with Fibro feel pain more than others because of the way the brain perceives pain. Hope this helps and take care x
FoggyMoggy, good reply in that I too have Fibro. I don't have to tell you about the daily aches and pains. Sending gentle hugs your way! x
Well I am experiencing pain on my right arm, just below my arpit, I'd say like two inches from it. The pain feels as if I had a big scratch and my arm just feels sore and tired. Not sure if thaat could be fibromyalgia