Not wrote on here in a while ... But came down with an awful cold last week ., which has turned into a chest infection... Have never had one b4 and have never felt so poorly ... I ache , have zero energy , dizzy lightheaded, feel sick and wobbles , want to sleep lots, pains in head and chest .... Am now about 10 days like this and am now had enough starting to feel anxious I'll never feel "right" again... Anyone had scold like this? Thanks for help.
Cold.... : Not wrote on here in a while... - Anxiety Support

I have had colds like this in fact I have had flu which goodness I felt I would never recover , I think we make the worse patients ever when we suffer with anxiety as we get anxious which stops us resting which the body needs to do when ill
You have some antibiotics for the infection ?
Take your meds and keep telling yourself this will pass because it will but you need to rest and sleep till you feel better
Do not see this as a set back in how well you were doing because it is a blip that as soon as you are well again you will put behind you
I hope you feel better soon
Take Care x

Thank you... Yes on antibiotics ... Have even been off work... And I never take time off ... As I find keeping busy the best therapy for me.... Having said this I just feel like I'm wading through mud right now.... Never know anything knock me so much... Other than anxiety! Sorry I'm just really fed up .. Thanks again for your reply...
Chest infections are nasty and it will slow you down but rest and you will start to feel better soon , it is accepting that you are not well at the moment which I know we don't always find easy to do but if you can it will help and you will soon be back to your normal self x